Inspired by this, I'm going to give away one #GopherBadge ( ) to a participant of #GopherConEU 2023, so they could tinker with @\TinyGolang and carry the most awesome badge out there. Not sure how 🤔
QT gopherconeu: SPONSOR POST
The ingenuity of Gophers inspired us at @\GopherConEU 2022. @\Upvest are
sponsors again in 2023, and we #Upvengers would like to return the favor by giving out a nerdy prize to inspire a…
#upvengers #gopherconeu #gopherbadge
RT gopherconeu: SPONSOR POST
The ingenuity of Gophers inspired us at @\GopherConEU 2022. @\Upvest are
sponsors again in 2023, and we #Upvengers would like to return the favor by giving out a nerdy prize to inspire a #TinyGopher to big things!
Intrigued? Come visit us at #gopherconEU 2023.
#gopherconeu #tinygopher #upvengers