Dr. Kirsten D. Dzwiza · @antikemagie
628 followers · 158 posts · Server archaeo.social

Relief of the goddess (or Repyt).

She is depicted with a human body, the head of a and the disc on her head with the attached to its front.

Her was located at the ancient town Hut-Repyt, modern Sohag. The Greeks later renamed the town to and the to

You can read much(!) more about Repyt-Triphis here:

Photo: Christian Leitz, CC BY-SA 4.0

#ancient #egyptian #repit #lion #solar #uraeus #snake #temple #athribis #goddess #triphis #egypt #archaeology #Egyptology

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr. Kirsten D. Dzwiza · @antikemagie
554 followers · 126 posts · Server archaeo.social

An of

Osiris is most often represented as a shrouded emphasizing his connection with the dead.

He holds a and a short shepherd’s crook, insignia associated with Egyptian kingship, and wears a long, braided beard, emblematic of divinity.

On the front of his tall is a - a ready to spit fire at his enemies.

664–332 BC
45.7 × 13 cm

61.45, The Metropolitan Museum of Art


#ancient #statuette #osiris #mummy #flail #crown #uraeus #cobra #bronze #MaterialCulture #archaeology #egypt

Last updated 2 years ago