The #Gospel of #Jesus according to The #Urantia Book 3. Choosing the #Apostles. From Papers 135-140 "He taught morality, not from the nature of man, but from the relation of man to God. "The kingdom of heaven consists in these three essentials: first, recognition of the fact of the sovereignty of God; second, belief in the truth of sonship with God; and third, faith in the effectiveness of the supreme human desire to do the will of God — to be like God.
#gospel #jesus #urantia #apostles The Gospel of #Jesus according to the #Urantia book. 2. Travels - From Papers 130-134 "moral decisions and unqualified #spiritual choices are thus progressively identified with the indwelling and divine #spirit.. #Will is that manifestation of the human #mind which enables the subjective #consciousness to express itself objectively and to experience the phenomenon of aspiring to be #Godlike.. every reflective and spiritually minded human being can become #creative...
#jesus #urantia #spiritual #spirit #will #mind #consciousness #godlike #creative The Gospel according to the #Urantia Book: "The so-called “#Sermon on the Mount” is not the #gospel of #Jesus. It does contain much helpful instruction, but it was Jesus’ ordination charge to the twelve apostles" - …The project would be to write a fifth Gospel … to predicate an ethic which was not that of the other #Gospels… teachings that compare favourably with those of the #NewTestament… Conversations. Volume 3. Jorge Luis #Borges, Osvaldo Ferrari #spirituality
#urantia #sermon #gospel #jesus #gospels #newtestament #borges #spirituality La #Urantia Libro en #Esperanto- La vivo kaj instruoj de #Jesuo ( #Jesus) - 120-196 - Text-to-speech Spomenka Esperanto RHVoice- audiobooks- mp3- epub-ebook- скачать ( download)
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