You Can Turn Your Backyard Into a #Biodiversity Hotspot
New research shows that if done right, #urbanFarms and #gardens can support all kinds of species—for the good of people and the #environment.
#GreenWitch #urbanGarden #solarpunk #springiscoming #UrbanHomestead
#biodiversity #urbanFarms #gardens #environment #greenwitch #urbangarden #solarpunk #springiscoming #urbanhomestead
The mycelium is mushrooming! Very happy with this lion’s mane culinary mushroom. Last time I tried it the humidity wasn’t quite enough. This time around I covered the growth with a large, loose shower cap every night, and so so far, so good! Should be ready to harvest in a day or two! #mushroom #LionsMane #NorthSpore #fungi #EdibleMushrooms #mycelium #UrbanFarms
#mushroom #LionsMane #northspore #fungi #ediblemushrooms #mycelium #urbanFarms
Aa this article points out, it's hard to know how many urban farms exist in the US, although the number is clearly growing. Also growing is these farms' role in fighting hunger and in community-building across the country.
#communitybuilding #farming #urbanFarms
In #Singapore currently 90% of all food products domestically consumed are imported. Land and space are rare commodities. As such #agriculture as industry is also not commonplace w/in the nation-state...until now. A new social initiative that has rooftop building spaces being repurposed into #urbanfarms is receiving a positive reception. 'Simple' innovative, and creative idea(s) such as this is one way to promote #sustainability in line w/#SDGs. #chemicalfreefarming
#chemicalfreefarming #sustainability #urbanFarms #agriculture #singapore
Frage an alle #OpenSource und#openhardware Enthusiasten, and die #Fabber und die #Maker
Wie organisiert man am besten ein OpenSource Projekt das nicht im IT und Elektronik-Hardware Bereich verortet ist?
Ich dachte dabei an #geodesicDomes #urbanFarms und #verticalFarms
Es macht schliesslich keinen Sinn das Rad immer neu zu erfinden und definitiv mehr Sinn mit breiter Intelligenzia #CreativeCommons bereitzustellen damit jede.r eigenmächtig mit sowas arbeiten kann.
Gerne auch weiterteilen.
#opensource #Fabber #Maker #geodesicdomes #urbanFarms #verticalfarms #creativecommons
Bitcoin uses some #eWaste, that can be #recycled.
Housing #speculators waste entire homes and #land that could be #urbanFarms, demand constant govt support, #helpToBuy schemes, #propertySpruiking seminars to indoctrinate #youth, extreme levels of #immigration and bombing to make #refugees and other #handouts to prop up the #ponzi, wasting needed resources and #energy.
Tell us again where big bad #bitcoin bit you.
#whyBitcoin #housing #housingSpeculation #speculation #realEstate #housingBubble
#ewaste #recycled #speculators #land #urbanFarms #HelpToBuy #propertySpruiking #youth #immigration #refugees #handouts #ponzi #energy #bitcoin #whyBitcoin #housing #housingSpeculation #speculation #realestate #housingBubble
Bitcoin uses some #eWaste, that can be #recycled.
Housing #speculators waste entire homes, and #land for #urbanFarms, who demand constant govt support, #helpToBuy schemes, #propertySpruiking seminars to indoctrinate youth, extreme levels of #immigration and bombing to make #refugees and other #grants and #handouts to prop up the #ponzi, wasting precious resources and energy.
Tell us again where #bitcoin bit you.
#whyBitcoin #housing #housingSpeculation #speculation #realEstate #housingBubble
#ewaste #recycled #speculators #land #urbanFarms #HelpToBuy #propertySpruiking #immigration #refugees #grants #handouts #ponzi #bitcoin #whyBitcoin #housing #housingSpeculation #speculation #realestate #housingBubble
We've known people will intense #digestion, #skin, #appetite and other issues. Going #organic, #ethical and #bigFish-free fixed them – even #reflexes improved.
Though we support #urbanFarms, farm-to-fork distances being reduced, and flow-on benefits for #communities in doing this, it cannot be at the expense of #nutrition and seedFreedom.
#digestion #skin #appetite #organic #ethical #bigFish #reflexes #urbanFarms #communities #nutrition #salmon #tuna #heavyMetals #Allergies #fish #shopEthical