Very Important discussion. Countryside or Cities, which one is better? Not an easy answer.
It depends on the design. For example building a skyscraper in the countryside, bringing 10-15 villages in one place, or one skyscraper in one village, and bringing all people to a small space. Stop building #UrbanSprawl
If this is about laws against #cats then they are likely repressive. To the human and the animal.
We need to focus on limiting #humanExpansion, #urbanSprawl, both vertically and horizontally, over our environment and #habitats, not limiting lifetime companion choices with oft #repressive and #authoritarian laws, that are likely to hit even the most thoughtful and caring in our communities.
#cats #humanexpansion #urbanSprawl #habitats #repressive #authoritarian
The reason I dislike #ColoradoSprings is that it's the poster child for #UrbanSprawl
#thereasonidislike____is____ #coloradosprings #urbanSprawl
Why sprawling #Aussie neighbourhood is set to be #hottest place on earth in six months #overdevelopment #urbanSprawl
#aussie #hottest #overdevelopment #urbanSprawl
Because the #coloradosprings city council are whores to "developers" and dedicated to urban sprawl. Really. This place is Thomas Jefferson's nightmare. 🙄
'Colorado Springs City Council approves seven-story apartment building near South Nevada Avenue despite resident opposition' from '' on the CPR app!
#urbanSprawl #developmentisbullshit #SelloutsSuck #ColoradoSpringsBlows
#coloradosprings #urbanSprawl #developmentisbullshit #selloutssuck #coloradospringsblows
Arizona schränkt das Städtewachstum in der Region um Phoenix ein: zu wenig Wasser. #watercrisis #climatecity #urbansprawl
Oder wie die FDP sagen würde: aus Gründen der Ideologie.
#watercrisis #climatecity #urbanSprawl
The #MiamiTigerBeetle will have #CriticalHabitat finalized and The #BractedTwistflower will be listed as a #ThreatenedSpecies (with critical habitat designated) under the #EndangeredSpeciesAct, the #CenterForBiologicalDiversity announced.
The #Miami #TigerBeetle lives in the #PineRocklands of very urbanized #SouthFlorida in #MiamiDadeCounty, while the bracted twistflower is found in #UvaldeCounty, #BexarCounty, #MedinaCounty, and #TravisCounty in #Texas, roughly coinciding with the #I35Corridor.
#plants #wildflowers #beetles #insects #Florida #SouthTexas #UrbanSprawl #ESA #EndangeredSpecies #USFWS
#miamitigerbeetle #criticalhabitat #bractedtwistflower #threatenedspecies #endangeredspeciesact #centerforbiologicaldiversity #Miami #tigerbeetle #pinerocklands #southflorida #miamidadecounty #uvaldecounty #bexarcounty #medinacounty #traviscounty #texas #i35corridor #plants #wildflowers #beetles #insects #florida #southtexas #urbanSprawl #esa #endangeredspecies #USFWS
🇨🇦 Bill 97 will ultimately remain focused on creating low-density, car-reliant commuter communities, generally conducive to big homes that require significant energy to heat and cool. Despite the promises of “watershed planning” and maintaining environmental protections, such unlimited urban sprawl can also eat up green space that naturally mitigates floods and sequesters carbon. #Climate #urbanSprawl #Environment
#Environment #urbanSprawl #Climate
We live fairly central in our city (north/south) and just drove 32km north without hitting the city limits.
I think that this is ridiculous. 😒
As a #Charlotte commuter, I find this to be a horrible take, for all kinds of reasons. #lightrail #rail #urbansprawl #traffic #commuting
#commuting #traffic #urbanSprawl #rail #lightrail #charlotte
At first blush: oh, it's leapfrog greenfield #development carving up rural land.
At second blush: oh, it's an effort to make townhomes impossible to build, disguised as leapfrog #greenfield development carving up #rural land.
The bad stuff has *layers* y'all.
#housing #urbanplanning #zoning #prohousing #urbansprawl #sprawl
#sprawl #urbanSprawl #prohousing #zoning #urbanplanning #housing #rural #greenfield #Development
Argh. This is my life.
We need additional #lightrail routes in #Charlotte. There's no question about this. The growth we're experiencing cannot be handled by our current infrastructure.
#construction #commuting #commuters #traffic #cars #urbansprawl #congestion
#congestion #urbanSprawl #cars #traffic #Commuters #commuting #construction #charlotte #lightrail
Just one more lane! It never ends. In 10 years Houston will just be a cluster of 40 lane highways 🤦♂️ #Houston #Texas #cityplanning #publictransport #urbanSprawl #climatechange
#ClimateChange #urbanSprawl #publictransport #cityplanning #Texas #houston
Kolejny deweloper wyciął wszystkie drzewa, aby nasadzić rachityczne klony, wysypać żwirek i sprzedawać apartamenty klitki „zielony raj”. Taka deweloperka to rak. #urbansprawl #betonoza
Interessanter Aspekt, der häufig vergessen wird zu erwähnen, wenn es um Stadt vs. Land geht:
Menschen auf dem Land können nicht das gleiche Level von Infrastruktur (z. B. Wasserversorgung) erwarten wie in einer Stadt.
Denn das kann nicht bezahlt werden bzw. nur über Quersubvention von den städtischen Teilen des Landes. Es sind einfach zu wenig Menschen (und Einkommen) für zuviel Infrastrukturfläche.
Unfortunately Australia has an #urbanSprawl problem yes. Its part of an dogged #populationGrowth agenda combined with a "She'll-be-right" (read:#lassezFaire) attitude. The managerial types are mostly just grift, enablers with a rubberstamp and #revolvingDoor.
We do have some ppl around, but most are not effective in drawing attention to things we need to do, sadly.
Something tells us that "She'll be rightism" isn't going to exist for much longer now.
#urbanSprawl #populationGrowth #lassezFaire #revolvingdoor
Yes, #speculation is a #fiat issue stemming from corrupt #moneyPrinting + #rentseekers.
Say "#nimbyism" to small towns in #Europe that are still close to their #farmland and still have a defendable #culture. If being a #NIMBY is about a short #farmToPlate distance maybe we need more of it, not less.
Vertical sprawl = delayed #urbanSprawl, just wait a generation.
We don't have democratically elected #leaders, we have a #corporateState.
#speculation #fiat #moneyPrinting #rentseekers #nimbyism #europe #farmland #culture #nimby #farmToPlate #urbanSprawl #leaders #corporateState #stopTheLoop #useBitcoinCore #townhomes
We are so pleased to discover today that the #SPA (Sustainable Population #Australia) has ditched their Cloudflare server.
We'll finally be able to talk more about debunking #growthist tropes that are so often propagated by the #legacyMedia, and can better address issues that are affecting Australians.
SPA are an #environmental group advocating a #steadyStateEconomy + much more.
Congratulations SPA - we are ecstatic!
#spa #australia #growthist #legacymedia #environmental #steadyStateEconomy #environment #urbanSprawl #ecology
#highrise #overdevelopment #verticalSprawl #urbanSprawl #growthism #thirdWorld #thirdWorldisation #scamWatch #IMF #privatisation #liberalise #privatization #corporatism #privateEquity #stockMarket #derascination #lithium #cobalt #extraction #holesAndHouses #bananaRepublic #merchantBanks #propertyCouncil #forexMarket #forex
#highrise #overdevelopment #verticalSprawl #urbanSprawl #growthism #ThirdWorld #thirdworldisation #Scamwatch #imf #privatisation #liberalise #privatization #corporatism #privateequity #stockmarket #derascination #lithium #cobalt #extraction #holesAndHouses #bananarepublic #merchantBanks #PropertyCouncil #forexMarket #forex
> "Density Good."
Actually no, #denseLiving is very bad for basically everyone. But especially people who are not 25-30 years old.
#cities #megaCities #totalCarbonFootprint #verticalSprawl #developmentalDisorders #urbanSprawl #outsourcedCarbonFootprint #farmToPlate #outsourcedLabour #slaveLabour #repression #speculation #overdevelopment #overpopulation #complexity #humanFilingCabinets #metaVerse
#denseLiving #cities #megacities #totalCarbonFootprint #verticalSprawl #developmentalDisorders #urbanSprawl #outsourcedCarbonFootprint #farmToPlate #outsourcedLabour #slavelabour #repression #speculation #overdevelopment #overpopulation #complexity #humanFilingCabinets #metaverse