fakelawn · @fakelawn
13 followers · 16 posts · Server mastodon.art

Dear people. Why arent alleys dual-purposed as part of cycling infrastructure? They're so much safer for cyclists that I end up using them anyway. There's significantly less traffic coming through and all of it is slow-traffic rather than trying to share a lane with drivers expecting to go full speed and/or trying to cut around you.

I just have no idea how it works from an policy perspective. There must be a reason bc it seems obvious, but it has me wondering.

#urbandesign #urbanbicycling

Last updated 2 years ago

Speed Paste Robot · @speedpasterobot
50 followers · 156 posts · Server mstdn.social
Speed Paste Robot · @speedpasterobot
72 followers · 267 posts · Server mstdn.social