The Corellas have arrived on their yearly rounds of the street trees. They seem very methodical in the way they move through the trees, one at a time, and on mass. And always keeping an watchful eye on the world below.
#birds #urbanfieldnaturalist #birdsOfMastodon #corella #littleCorella
#birds #urbanfieldnaturalist #birdsofmastodon #corella #LittleCorella
Interesting Cowboy Beetle (Chondropyga dorsalis) in the #garden today. They're regularly flying around, buzzing like minor jumbo jets and clumsily bumping into things, including me.
#insects #nature #photography #Australia #OzWild #wildlife #UrbanFieldNaturalist #bugs #beetles #rewilding
#garden #insects #nature #photography #australia #ozwild #wildlife #urbanfieldnaturalist #bugs #beetles #rewilding
Our noisy neighbour giving me a bit of side-eye. Gathering strength, I suppose (by way of Currawong parents) to make a long flight to another home in the not too distant future.
#birds #urbanfieldnaturalist #birdsOfMastodon
#channelbilledcuckoo #birds #urbanfieldnaturalist #birdsofmastodon
A holiday activity for all ages: a phenology wheel as a way to slow down and bring a little nature appreciation into the holiday season. Full instructions in A Guide to the Creatures in Your Neighbourhood (support your local bookstore)
Our website also offers a range of downloadable field guides and activity sheets.
Interspecies duty of care.
#birds #urbanfieldnaturalist
#channelbilledcuckoo #currawong #birds #urbanfieldnaturalist
Jossled baby(ish) #magpie still getting a feel for flying in the wind. #urbanFieldNaturalist #moreThanHuman #ecology
#magpie #urbanfieldnaturalist #ecology #moreThanHuman
Sunday morning garden observations - slowing down to observe. The local St Andrew’s Cross spiders have formed a relationship with the backyard bromeliads - helping to reduce the mosquito numbers. #urbanFieldNaturalist #spiders #microWorld
#urbanfieldnaturalist #spiders #microworld
Making friends on my walking-commute. A group of young magpies have learnt the value of bins as a food source - bin foraging is not just for ibis and cockatoos! Complex networked relationships. #urbanFieldNaturalist #birds #magpie #BirdsOfMastodon
#birdsofmastodon #urbanfieldnaturalist #birds #magpie
I will probably post some of my #urbanFieldNaturalist sightings here. Working on the Urban Field Naturalist project over the last few years has helped in my thinking around how biological & technological networks are entangled. Our book and website provide a good way in to exploring urban ecologies.