I'm glad they're studying this, but this is the 2nd or 3rd study like this I've seen & none of them are trying Ceratonia siliqua. One of the illustrations even says 'Desert Museum' Palo Verde doesn't supply much shade - correct! Know what does, is thrifty, and can take high temps? #Carob!
Too bad I didn't get that NSF GRFP funding. Too bad it's hard to come into grad school with a grant so you can pre-load your study topic. Because they all ignore carob #UrbanForest
This #garden was conceived to help expand San Francisco's urban forest and it was designed to be an example of #xeriscaping. It is drought-tolerant and requires no additional #water other than seasonal rain.
via @kottke #gardening #drought #sécheresse #jardinage #SanFrancisco #urbanforest
#garden #xeriscaping #water #gardening #drought #secheresse #jardinage #sanfrancisco #urbanforest
Not sure I'm using the right keywords on Google Scholar. I'm trying to find if anyone's ever tested certain species (even certain cultivars) of trees for resistance to breaking in high winds.
The hits I'm getting are interesting even if they're not precisely what I was looking for. #UrbanForest https://auf.isa-arbor.com/content/48/4/242
Mostly through ignorance of the virtues and needs of this particular species, Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) went from being a recommended landscape tree in much of CA in the first half of the 20th c. to being dis-recommended. Here's why: look at that sopping wet muddy soil in high summer. THAT is what's wrong. The tree was surrounded by lawn, which is the poor environmental decision. The overwatering causes problems with many drought-resistant species. #UrbanForest #Carob
Remember the story about Universal cutting the shit out of Ficus microcarpa trees because they wanted #WGAStrike #SAGAFTRAStrike picketers to have less shade? It's actually ridiculously common for rich/powerful ppl to cut down trees that aren't theirs.
I recently had to take a trip to LA so I went by a space where that happened early in my study of carob street trees. The plot is still undeveloped. They cut down a tree they didn't own & haven't even built housing. #carob #UrbanForest
#wgastrike #sagaftrastrike #carob #urbanforest
I love this story about #Melbourne giving trees in their urban forest email addresses to track issues, and the fan letters they received. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/what-happened-when-australian-city-gave-trees-email-addresses-180955851/
#urbanforest #thicktrunktuesday #treetuesday #melbourne
I was disappointed to find today that the native forest of Thorrington School in Ōtautahi-Christchurch, NZ, has been tidied.
NZ botanist Leonard Cockayne, who helped found Arthur's Pass National Park, promoted schools planting patches of native trees. Many of these patches are still there, and I suspect this is one of them.
These are now important small patches of native forest habitat in the city for native birds and insects, but they need to be dense and shaded.
Photobombed!! By a passing dog!!! But that’s okay. We visited Gilpin park in Brunswick today. Had time in the off-leash dog park socialising with the other dogs.
Dad used to bring former dogs Hamish, Nutmeg and Sheba here in the 1990s. Many of These trees were planted then, and now they are a young urban forest to combat #urbanheat and fight #climatechange.
And more trees to send our peemails!!!
#urbanheat #climatechange #dogsofmastodon #chihuahuasforclimateaction #chihuahuas #urbanforest #merribek
I think we need to redesign how we do sidewalks, parkways, and start taking space away from cars while going full steam ahead on fare-free accessible pubtrans.
We need to change our horticulture as well. Big box nurseries create potted trees with tangled root structure that strangles itself. We need to stop planting clones of one species all on one street... etc
#urbanforest #CarCentrism #climateemergency
My study of carob street trees led to noticing a lot of things about street trees. One of them is how our car-centrism not only fuels the climate change that endangers them, but makes us allot so little space to them that the root/shoot ratio favors toppling over in extreme weather
We *have* to change how we do infrastructure. #UrbanForest #CarCentrism #ClimateEmergency
#urbanforest #CarCentrism #climateemergency
Classic example of propertied person demanding a (carob) tree be removed to improve their view. In the face of Climate Emergency. https://pvestates.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=1&clip_id=653&meta_id=45458
#urbanforest #affluenza #carob
I just gave a seminar talk about this broader subject. The things that threaten our urban forest come from more directions than you'd think. We need SERIOUS consequences for people who do this to public trees.
Nominations for London Tree & Woodlands Awards 2023 are open! 🌳🌳🌳
Celebrate the fantastic work taking place all over London to protect & expand our urban forest by nominating those you think deserve it most.
#treeoscars #trees #urbanforest #woodlands #london #londonurbanforest #forest
#treeoscars #Trees #urbanforest #woodlands #london #londonurbanforest #forest
Today we picked 24 pounds of cherries, we could have gotten more but it was hot and we had to take many breaks because it was hard work. 12 lbs went to charity! I have 3 lbs of fresh local cherries. Some are washed and ready for eating and the rest are washed and going to be pitted and frozen.
Doing a little dive on one of the factors that affects our #UrbanForest
The Catalpa flowered!!! This is it's first time! They smell amazing! 🥳
I grew this tree from seed starting in 2018, and now it is about 20ft (6m) tall. 🥰
#Trees #Catalpa #UrbanForest #Gardening
#trees #catalpa #urbanforest #gardening
How could they leave carob out and include tipu?
#UrbanForest #Ceratoniasiliqua #carob
#urbanforest #CeratoniaSiliqua #carob
I recently found out that in some councils around Sydney, residents can request a street tree for their nature strip.
Some of the councils that mention a request process on their website include:
* Campbelltown City Council
* City of Parramatta
* City of Ryde
* The Hills Shire Council
* Randwick City Council
* Sutherland Shire Council
#Trees #Nature #NatureStrip #UrbanCanopy #UrbanForest #Sustainability #Rewilding #Cities #UrbanHeatIsland #ClimateChange #ClimateAction #Sydney #Australia
#Australia #sydney #ClimateAction #ClimateChange #UrbanHeatIsland #cities #rewilding #sustainability #urbanforest #urbancanopy #naturestrip #Nature #Trees
New "food forest" has come to town! It''s going to be a while before the trees are producing but this is really cool! #urbanforest #Foodjustice #sustainability
#sustainability #foodjustice #urbanforest