Transport Fever 2: Console Edition emociona con su primer tráiler de jugabilidad
#noticias #nacon #transportfever2consoleedition #urbangames
Try to guess how many steps it is from your local station/bus stop to your front door and THEN try to guess how much you’ll deviate from it on a chosen day. #UrbanGames
Look at the back of someone’s head and try to guess what their face looks like. #UrbanGames
Wot I think: Transport Fever 2 - #GoodShepherdEntertainment #FeaturedArticles #TransportFever2 #UrbanGames #wotithink #feature #review
#goodshepherdentertainment #featuredarticles #TransportFever2 #urbangames #wotithink #feature #review
Transport Fever 2 infecting PC this year - #GoodShepherdEntertainment #PCGameNews #UrbanGames
#goodshepherdentertainment #pcgamenews #urbangames