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#TapeOnCars #CarsOnSidewalks #Dorkparking #autokorrektur #carisover #gcum #waroncars #pavementparking #carspreading #sansvoiture #citiesforpeople #bancars #placardabuse #urbanintervention #runtervomgehweg #nurmalschnell #wodennsonst #parkdruck #worstofGehsteig
Cynthia Montier, ' #Oracle #Graffiti ', 2020.
A device to allow communication with the banished spirits of the city.
While the municipality tries to make them disappear, wandering souls can manifest themselves on the walls of tunnels or blind spots, in the shadow of urban consciousness, meant to invoque the spirit of vandalism.
#vandalism #esotericgraffiti #interventionart #graffiti #ouija #esotericvandalism #urbanintervention #art #oracle