READ: This is STILL probably the best #ChristmasEve tradition I’ve heard. HT @NicoNovito. Iceland certainly does #Christmas well! (I’m really looking forward to working in #Reykjavik this year).
Are you giving or hoping to get some great #UrbanismBookClub books on cities this Christmas? Share what you give or get! #MerryChristmas #books #cities
#cities #books #merrychristmas #urbanismbookclub #Reykjavik #christmas #ChristmasEve
All over the world, communities are reimagining themselves as places for people not cars. That process starts with stirring the hearts and minds of everyone involved.
Twelve books we read in the past 12 months that changed how we think about cities.
An #UrbanismBookClub Thread.
It’s been 9 years since I wrote that “Top 100 City-Making Books” list, and a lot of GREAT books on cities have been written since then. To get more reading & gift-giving suggestions, explore the hashtag I started #UrbanismBookClub! And add your own book recommendations to the #.
“Currently about 2/3rds of all Dutch children walk or bike to school, with 75% of secondary school kids cycling to school. By enabling safe and active travel, #Dutch cities prevent an estimated one million car journeys to school each morning.” — #modacitylife aka the Bruntletts in their great book #CurbingTraffic. #UrbanismBookClub #cities #cityplanning #urbanplanning #bikes #biketoschool #school #walking #biking
#biking #walking #school #biketoschool #bikes #urbanplanning #cityplanning #cities #urbanismbookclub #CurbingTraffic #modacitylife #dutch