Having lived in both countries for a reasonable time in my life: If I ever had the option to pick, I'd really like to combine Dutch cycling culture with the public space infrastructure of Australia.
I'd love to have a cycling culture in Oz.
Australians really need to let go of the 'exercise' idea of bikes and just use it as transport. As commute. Get comfortable bikes instead of these aerodynamic light spacecrafts. Stop putting lycra on before you go out. Don't drive to the schools or train stations, just cycle there.
The Dutch could really learn by looking at Australian parks and trails. Water fountains everywhere - for humans AND dogs -, free public toilets, free barbeques, with picnic tables and covered gazebos for all to use.
Oh, and the Dutch might have to learn not to vandalise everything in their eyesight. That might help too.
#cycling #publicspaces #cyclingculture #urbanpark #urbanparkdesign
#cycling #publicspaces #cyclingculture #urbanpark #urbanparkdesign