My #ttrpg #schedule this month:
Sat 13, 27: #Monsterhearts2 (MC)
Sun 4, 14: #CityOfMist (MC)
Wed 17, 31 Monsterhearts 2 (Player)
All Tues: #Urbanshadows 2nd edition. (Player)
#ttrpg #schedule #monsterhearts2 #cityofmist #urbanshadows #pbta
Another second Saturday, another #MagpieGames Community Play Day. I played in a fun session of #UrbanShadows. My "Veteran" archetype was a Fae scion of the Summer Court who spent the last 50 years at a human college because he found out learning and college life are fun. He may also have supplied half the campus with... um... herbal remedies.
Over the course of the game, we investigated a murder and messed with one elder vampire on behalf of another elder vampire. Our characters worked together quite a bit more than the system usually intends, which definitely sped things up, but also made the web of debts we spent some time setting up feel a bit wasted, though sometimes worldbuilding feels like its own reward.
Also, as it turns out video games are really helpful in supporting ttrpgs. The #SaintsRow Boss Factory (available for free on Epic) is increadibly awesome for creating character images for modern settings and #StrangeHorticulture made sure I had a sufficient amount of weird plants to distribute. Thanks again for the recommendation, @Lilliana_S!
#magpiegames #urbanshadows #saintsrow #StrangeHorticulture #ttrpg #pnpde #ciferrpgmusings
@StephenChast I happen to have a list to this effect on one of my discords:
For general use I’m going to list games that I am atm comfortable with the idea of running:
1. Monsterhearts 2
2. City of Mists
Familiar as Player, Willing to Run:
3. Urban Shadows 2
4. Monster of the Week
No Experience either side, wanna try:
5. Voidheart Symphony
(It’s slightly out of date but works)
#PBTA #VoidHeartSymphony #UrbanShadows #MOTW #Monsterhearts #CityOfMists #TTRPG
#pbta #voidheartsymphony #urbanshadows #motw #monsterhearts #cityofmists #ttrpg
My Imp steadfastly denying that he freaked out, while very clearly freaked out. :blobcatcool: :blobcatscared:
You know, random demon faction trying to summon his old “boss”. What’s there to stress over?
#urbanshadows #us2e #pbta #ttrpg
Vor drei Tagen ist das MC-Kapitel als Preview aus dem leicht verspäteten #UrbanShadows Kickstarter zu den Backern geschickt worden, ich hab's dann mal gelesen. Hgrn. Wie soll ich mich denn dann zwischen dem und #AcesInSpace entscheiden? Ich fürchte, es müssen früher oder später mal zwei Kampagnen her.
#urbanshadows #AcesInSpace #ttrpg #pnpde #ciferrpgmusings
Tonight is more Urban Shadows 2nd Edition. Time for my Imp to potentially face the music wrt bringing a stray (and hunted by another pack) #werewolf into The Werewolf’s territory.
#werewolf #urbanshadows #pbta #ttrpg
Hmmm. I'm still poking at the idea of running something between major campaigns, for when someone can't make it. I kind of want to get away from typical fantasy.
I'm leaning hard towards either #UrbanShadows or #DresdenFiles. I'm a fan of urban fantasy.
#urbanshadows #dresdenfiles #ttrpg
Last night was Urban Shadows (2nd Ed) night. Poor #vampire fell into the bay. But the Oracle and the Imp (my char) had a cozy night in, hanging out with the new #werewolf NPC.
Shame that my Imp’s charge escaped— assuming she wasn’t kidnapped again.
#ttrpg #pbta #UrbanShadows
#vampire #werewolf #ttrpg #pbta #urbanshadows
Mathias (the Werewolf) texting the group chat that the Alphas (an aggressive and territorial pack of werewolves) will be hunting in the warehouse district soon.
Milo (my Imp), texting back from inside the warehouse district: Well that’s awkward.
#UrbanShadows #pbta #ttrg
Last Campaings Run :
#UrbanShadows meets #Monsterhearts2 (2 Timelines, 2 rulesets, parallel narration in alternative sessions)
#FateOfCthulhu (homebrew Old One)
In the midterms of Campaings
Next Campaings to Run :
#TheSpire a homebrew seed called Elevator to Heaven
#urbanshadows #monsterhearts2 #fateofcthulhu #thirstyswordlesbians #thespire #taura
🔴 We are live! We are playing #UrbanShadows and hunting down a swamp monster!
:purple_sparkling_heart: #Twitch:
#somehowhuman #ttrpg #Twitch #urbanshadows
The creature they were hunting was killed! ...Sadly, it was by one of their pets (a monster from who knows where) who devoured it, assumed it's form, & succumbed to it's demonic corruption! Now we're on mission Free Gilly!
Join us tonight & find out what happens! #UrbanShadows #ttrpg #dnd
Our penultimate episode of season 2, Somehow Human, airs at 8pm ET on
With special guest Anthony, as Joe, The Gator! 😲 🐊
Los dos últimos capítulos de la campaña Sangre de la Ciudad, una campaña que jugamos a medio camino entre #SombrasUrbanas #UrbanShadows y #Monsterhearts2
#sombrasurbanas #urbanshadows #monsterhearts2 #ttrpg #pbta
We are live on #WeaveTheTale playing #UrbanShadows! Join us!!!
#ttrpg #urbanshadows #weavethetale
At 7pm CST we will be streaming on #WeavetehTale and will finally find out what is lurking in the swamp!
#ttrpg #urbanshadows #weavetehtale
I will be playing #UrbanShadows tonight on #WeaveTheTale! Game starts at 7pm CST over on #Twitch!
#weavethetale #Stream #somehowhuman #ttrpg #Twitch #urbanshadows
Once again, no idea what to get my brother for christmas. :/
"Best" idea so far is printing and handbinding him a cool rpg book. (I'm thinking something #pbta, maybe #UrbanShadows or #Monsterhearts.)
Other than that... Something baby-related, maybe? But most practical stuff they already have and I hate most "ironical/funny" new-parent stuff.
Maybe some slightly passive agressive book on parenting for (potentially) queer kids?
#monsterhearts #urbanshadows #pbta