I would like to see the Barsebäck FILTRA developed into an underground version for #UrbanSiting of #smr s.
With COP of modern to-air #HeatPump s, I don't see much point in #UrbanSiting of light water #NuclearReactor s. Their Carnot efficiency is poor to begin with.
#heatpump #urbansiting #nuclearreactor
That turned out to be a pretty good discussion. https://twitter.com/rmattila74/status/1594210574325649408?s=20&t=G-CsZZn0JZhEcSJ1wB1T7w
With the exception of @VTulkki, relevant people still seem to be on "that side".
I think a #Barsebäck-style FILTRA blasted into bedrock would solve the question with #UrbanSiting.