Finally, the same stream back to its usual level. #BayAreaStreams #UrbanStreams #BayAreaFlooding
#bayareastreams #urbanstreams #bayareaflooding
#SelfPromotionSaturday is a thing here? Ok, I’m giving a webinar on my research on #TrashyStreams on Wednesday and it’s free and open for anyone interested in #geomorphology of #UrbanStreams or #PlasticPollution. Details & registration here:
#plasticpollution #urbanstreams #geomorphology #trashystreams #Selfpromotionsaturday
For #FieldPhotoFriday, here I am at Kelsey Creek in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. This photo is from early March 2020, when I was working on a manuscript from a student’s MS thesis which included this site. One pandemic lab shutdown, a baby, & several new projects later, I’m not sure the paper will ever happen. But the #WaterQuality data the thesis contains has been useful to the city as they work to restore and protect their #UrbanStreams.
TLDR: pubs are not the only way to have an impact #academic
#academic #urbanstreams #waterquality #fieldphotofriday