I've got many favorites that fit @Kitty's #TuneTuesday #MagicSongs, but the one that always comes first to mind is #TheWizard, of course. 🧙♂️🪄💙✨
#UriahHeep #DemonsAndWizards #DavidByron #KenHensley #MarkClarke #FolkRock #ProgressiveRock #PsychedelicRock #LiveMusic
#livemusic #psychedelicrock #progressiverock #folkrock #markclarke #KenHensley #davidbyron #demonsandwizards #uriahheep #thewizard #magicsongs #tunetuesday
"Good morning world!" cries the Brain DJ, running another oldie through my brain. This is, what, more than fifty years old?
Uriah Heep, "The Wizard" (1972)
"He was the wizard of a thousand kings,
And I chanced to meet him one night wandering …"
W:O:A 2023 Recap Thursday
Still lots of mud & some delays, but the sun was working hard to dry everything up a bit.
The behaviour of the singer of the 1st band I saw that day (Mutz) was quite disgusting. He behaved very disrespectful like an ignorant and arrogant prick, so I chose to put
in here instead which I somehow missed in the video for wednesday. Besides that initial letdown the day was a blast.
Featured in this video are:
#rauhbein #raihbein #adinfinitum #vixen #uriahheep #Pennywise
#wacken #woa2023
Da es keinen Live Stream vom Headliner gab, habe ich mir #uriahheep angeschaut. Wie mega sympathisch sind die denn? Unglaublich. Und schon (über) 50 Jahre dabei. Das hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht.
Und jetzt #VV. Ville Vallo - ist nicht so ganz meins, aber trotzdem ein cooler Auftritt. Ich bin erstaunt, wie viele Lieder ich kenne 🤣
Bekomme ich noch ein Re-live von #Megadeath und #vixen?
#vixen #megadeath #VV #uriahheep #woa2023 #wacken
#nowlistening #Wacken #WOA2023 Mitschnitte
#uriahheep #woa2023 #wacken #nowlistening
Hach, nach diesen ganzen entbehrungen haben sich die #metalheads eine trockene zweite festival hälfte sowas von verdient!
Ich fühl es so, sonne!!!!!!!!!😻😻😻 Habt viel spass!🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘 #wacken #woa #uriahheep
#metalheads #wacken #woa #uriahheep
In #Wacken machen gerade alte Männer Alte-Männer-Musik - und ich habe Spaß dran.
Der Louder-Stream war gerade auch okay (Imminence), aber dem Alter der Band geschuldet bin ich beim Harder-Stream und Uriah Heep.
Mick Box in alter Frische 😁 🤞
#UriahHeep ist dieses Jahr wieder in #Wacken dabei. Da ist also auch Musik für mich dabei. #WOA2023 🎸 🎶
Uriah Heep - Lady in Black - Live at Wacken Open Air 2019
#TravellingTunes for #TuneTuesday you said?! As much as I may loathe getting from point A to point B, I've always loved #UriahHeep. ✨🌌🤘
#DemonsAndWizards #DavidByron #HardRock #ProgressiveRock #PsychedelicRock #HeavyMetal #LiveMusic
Cheers to @Kitty and @metalpoetnl 🎶
#livemusic #heavymetal #psychedelicrock #progressiverock #hardrock #davidbyron #demonsandwizards #uriahheep #tunetuesday #travellingtunes
"There I was on a July morning ...." https://yt.artemislena.eu/watch?v=grSWdLdp7po
Uralte CD ausgegraben, Anlage aufgedreht. Gut, daß die Nachbarn so tolerant sind.
Geile Gitarrensolos, Keyboardsolos, schwülstiger Rock-Vibrato ... epischer Rock! :-D
Tragische Bandgeschichte weil der Leadsänger (David Byron) sich (und die Band) kaputt gesoffen hat. :(
Just bought tickets for my son and me for the upcoming #JudasPriest Tour next year with #Saxon and #UriahHeep. 🎸🤘🏻
#uriahheep #saxon #judaspriest
Phthursday Musings: Affairs of the World, 1993 https://metaspiel.substack.com/p/phthursday-musings-affairs-of-the #whitewater #wisconsin #cheaptrick #uriahheep #bbking #blueoystercult #chicagobulls #johnpaxson #belize #flamingcanadianflags
#whitewater #wisconsin #cheaptrick #uriahheep #bbking #blueoystercult #chicagobulls #johnpaxson #belize #flamingcanadianflags
Breaking deep into the vinyl stack. #UriahHeep really is a band that could only come of age in the early 70’s. A marriage of Hammond organ, Wah pedals, heavy blues riffs, wailing vocals, and a touch #Progressive. Beautifully of its time.
Good morning folks!
I'll start the day with a classic one:
The heavy and very proggy debut of none other than Uriah Heep.
The album is called "...Very 'Eavy ...Very 'Umble" and it kicks of with 👇
#NowPlaying Gypsy
#hardrock #uriahheep #tomsnowplaying #nowplaying
Of course JP is freaking awsome, but I am stoked to finalley see #Saxon and #UriahHeep.
My last concerts I've been to was the biblical gathering of Exodus and Testament a minute before Corona hit.
My nex? It's gonna be this one:
... although I hope to sneak in another one until then.
#uriahheep #saxon #judaspriest
Haven’t heard this in awhile. Goes well with the cigar and bourbon here ondeck.
#musicofmastodon #classicrock #uriahheep
Judas Priest and Saxon announce 2024 UK dates
That's dates for March 2024, not over two thousand upcoming shows. Which would be pretty mental. Anyway...
The mighty Judas Priest today announce a six date UK tour which will kick off on March 11th, 2024, at Glasgow Ovo Hydro. Special guests on the tour include Saxon and Uriah Heep.
The har
#Tours/LiveDates #JudasPriest #Saxon #UriahHeep
#uriahheep #saxon #judaspriest #tours