A urine test can predict
The onset of diabetic kidney blight
It's a metabolite
That can show insight
And help out before it's too late tonight
#diabetes #urinetest #kidneydisease #metabolite #limerick #poetry
#diabetes #urinetest #kidneydisease #metabolite #limerick #poetry
Oh, urine test, life-saving device,
What secrets will you tell that no one can see?
Your insight and power, it astounds
As you search for the risk that abounds.
Watching from afar, hearts beat with glee
As you help predict the risk of heart failure, we foresee.
#heartfailure #urinetest #predictivemedicine #ode #poetry
Biomarkers predict
Acute to chronic kidney disease
At early stages
#kidneydisease #urinetest #bloodtest #biomarkers #haiku #poetry
#kidneydisease #urinetest #bloodtest #biomarkers #haiku #poetry