RT @MSMC_Miami_Uro
Opportunity for ‘23-‘24 Research Year in UROLOGY!
⭐️ paid position
⭐️ diverse urologic sub specialty representation
⭐️ opportunities for mentorship
@AkshayB_MD @NicholasA_Smith
Interested? Send cover letter & CV to Nicholas.Smith@msmc.com
#UroSoMe @Uro_Res #UrologyMatch
RT @Wilder_Sami
Opportunity for unmatched Uro applicants!
Paid research opportunity @VattikutiUrol @HenryFordHealth. Lots of opportunity and great mentorship!
Please send your full ERAS app (CV, PS, LORS, etc) to swilder2@hfhs.org. Happy to answer any Qs!
#urologymatch #uromatch2023 #auamatch
RT @chloepetersMD@twitter.com
1/5 (22%) of 2023 urology 1st year residency spots are in states where abortion is almost or entirely illegal. #UroSoMe #urologymatch #uromatch #urology #Dobbs @Uro_Res@twitter.com @UroResidency@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/chloepetersMD/status/1592255764546359297
#UroSoMe #urologymatch #uromatch #urology #Dobbs