RT @UIowa_urology
We made it easier for med students outside Iowa to discover one of urology's top programs. Learn about our ➡️new scholarship⬅️ that covers up to $1,000, then apply to do your away elective here! http://bit.ly/3ID5sp5
@UIowaPedsUro @UrologyList @Uro_Res @UroResidency #UroMatch
#MedTwitter #Faculty: For applicants who are unmatched for #Urology or #Ophthalmology, please send us research year opportunities if you have any available! #InsideTheMatch #UroMatch #Match2023
#medtwitter #faculty #urology #ophthalmology #InsideTheMatch #uromatch #Match2023
RT @DrCWDavidChang
Pref signaling increases visibility of applicants shown in #ENTSignaling data and now in #uromatch data!
- 6x increase odds of interview
- strong influence of geography on interview invites
@AmerUrological @UroAcademic
@futureENTres @inside_thematch
RT @Adam_Weiner535@twitter.com
Preference signaling in #uromatch increased 📈 odds of getting an interview by 6-fold‼️
@Uro_Res@twitter.com @AmerUrological@twitter.com @UroAcademic@twitter.com
@Uro_Stream@twitter.com @UrologyTimes@twitter.com @DrSCohen@twitter.com @KGUROmd@twitter.com
@JAMANetworkOpen@twitter.com @JAMANetwork@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Adam_Weiner535/status/1616589079726149634
RT @OSU_Urology
Last day to apply to PROSPECT, a paid summer medical student fellowship at one of these four fantastic institutions with the purpose of exposing, engaging, and mentoring URiM medical students in research and urology! Follow the link to apply today! #URiM #MedEd #UroRes #UroMatch
#urim #MedEd #urores #uromatch
RT @chloepetersMD@twitter.com
1/5 (22%) of 2023 urology 1st year residency spots are in states where abortion is almost or entirely illegal. #UroSoMe #urologymatch #uromatch #urology #Dobbs @Uro_Res@twitter.com @UroResidency@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/chloepetersMD/status/1592255764546359297
#UroSoMe #urologymatch #uromatch #urology #Dobbs