RT @inside_thematch
#MedStudents (rising MS-4's) passionate about #Urology: University of Iowa Urology Department @UIowa_urology offers a
new scholarship that covers up to $1,000 to do your #Uro away elective rotation at Iowa: http://bit.ly/3ID5sp5
#medstudents #urology #uro #InsideTheMatch #urotwitter #match2024
#MedStudents (rising MS-4's) passionate about #Urology: University of Iowa Urology Department @UIowa_urology offers a
new scholarship that covers up to $1,000 to do your #Uro away elective rotation at Iowa: http://bit.ly/3ID5sp5
#medstudents #urology #uro #InsideTheMatch #urotwitter #match2024
RT @inside_thematch
#Urology Research Assistant: work as part of the Research Team. Perform clinical and non-clinical research activities of approved AEHN research study protocols. Apply here @JeffersonUniv: https://recruit.jefferson.edu/psc/hcmp/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_SCHJOB_FL&Action=U
#urology #InsideTheMatch #urotwitter #medstudents
#Urology Research Assistant: work as part of the Research Team. Perform clinical and non-clinical research activities of approved AEHN research study protocols. Apply here @JeffersonUniv: https://recruit.jefferson.edu/psc/hcmp/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_SCHJOB_FL&Action=U
#urology #InsideTheMatch #urotwitter #medstudents
RT @inside_thematch
#MedStudents: @uvaurology is hiring for a one-year paid research fellowship targeted towards 3rd & 4th-year med students or those who have gone unmatched in the #Urology Match process: https://med.virginia.edu/urology/education-and-residents/urology-research-fellowship/
#medstudents #urology #InsideTheMatch #urotwitter
#MedStudents: @uvaurology is hiring for a one-year paid research fellowship targeted towards 3rd & 4th-year med students or those who have gone unmatched in the #Urology Match process: https://med.virginia.edu/urology/education-and-residents/urology-research-fellowship/
#medstudents #urology #InsideTheMatch #urotwitter
RT @inside_thematch
#MedStudents: @uvaurology hiring for a one-year paid research fellowship targeted towards 3rd & 4th-year med students or those who have gone unmatched in the #Urology Match process: https://med.virginia.edu/urology/education-and-residents/urology-research-fellowship/
#medstudents #urology #InsideTheMatch #urotwitter
#MedStudents: @uvaurology hiring for a one-year paid research fellowship targeted towards 3rd & 4th-year med students or those who have gone unmatched in the #Urology Match process: https://med.virginia.edu/urology/education-and-residents/urology-research-fellowship/
#medstudents #urology #InsideTheMatch #urotwitter
RT @inside_thematch
#MedStudents: @uvaurology hiring for a one-year paid research fellowship targeted towards 3rd & 4th year med students or those who have gone unmatched in the #Urology Match process: https://med.virginia.edu/urology/education-and-residents/urology-research-fellowship/
#medstudents #urology #InsideTheMatch #urotwitter
#MedStudents: @uvaurology hiring for a one-year paid research fellowship targeted towards 3rd & 4th year med students or those who have gone unmatched in the #Urology Match process: https://med.virginia.edu/urology/education-and-residents/urology-research-fellowship/
#medstudents #urology #InsideTheMatch #urotwitter
RT @inside_thematch
#MedStudents, residents and fellows participate in the 6th annual @AmerUrological AUA Essay Contest! Winning essay will be recognized at AUA2023 in Chicago and published in The Journal of Urology® & featured on the AUA website: https://bit.ly/UroEssayJan242023
#medstudents #InsideTheMatch #urotwitter
#MedStudents, residents and fellows participate in the 6th annual @AmerUrological AUA Essay Contest! Winning essay will be recognized at AUA2023 in Chicago and published in The Journal of Urology® & featured on the AUA website: https://bit.ly/UroEssayJan242023
#medstudents #InsideTheMatch #urotwitter
RT @kiko4docs@twitter.com
Renal mass shared by Dr. Miruna Popescu @MirunaPopescu13@twitter.com. Diagnosis?
Answer & WSI digital slide: https://kikoxp.com/posts/18363
Find more great posts in Dr. Popescu's Mega Index: https://kikoxp.com/posts/18167
#GUpath #pathologists #pathology #pathTwitter #urology #uroTwitter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/kiko4docs/status/1604104896231473152
#gupath #pathologists #Pathology #PathTwitter #urology #urotwitter
I don't have many followers, but if any of you feel it, please donate today!! #HCWvsHunger #KidVengers
RT @rovingatuscap
I currently have about 10% of @acweyand’s following
Nonetheless, if each of you goes to http://care.org and donate $5 with the 5X match, we could raise an additional >$165K for #HCWvsHunger 2022
What are we waiting for #PathTwitter #UroTwitter #UroSoMe https://twitter.com/acweyand/status/1598077827932618755
#hcwvshunger #kidvengers #pathtwitter #urotwitter #urosome
RT @rovingatuscap
I currently have about 10% of @acweyand’s following
Nonetheless, if each of you goes to http://care.org and donate $5 with the 5X match, we could raise an additional >$165K for #HCWvsHunger 2022
What are we waiting for #PathTwitter #UroTwitter #UroSoMe https://twitter.com/acweyand/status/1598077827932618755
#hcwvshunger #pathtwitter #urotwitter #urosome