Woke up from my nap with this guy at the foot of the bed trilling at me. #UrsaMinorCat #CatsOMastodon
Turned around and realized Ursa’s hanging out in the dog bed in my office! #UrsaMinorCat #CatsOfMastodon
He made biscuits, had a bit of a bath, and settled in to snooze. Wish I’d thought to make my coffee first! #Caturday #UrsaMinorCat
Enjoin’ scritches while we wait for the daylight. #UrsaMinorCat #CatsOfMastodon
Bertie usually monopolizes the sofa but every now and then Ursa gets to stretch out. #UrsaMinorCat
Bonus sunbeam catten!
Suggested soundtrack: Roy Ayers
#CatsOfMastadon #cat #UrsaMinorCat #sunbeam #EverybodyLovesTheSunshine
#catsofmastadon #cat #ursaminorcat #sunbeam #everybodylovesthesunshine
Bonus snacking catten in the skybox.
#CatsOfMastadon #cat #UrsaMinorCat
#catsofmastadon #cat #ursaminorcat
I spent #Caturday turning our kitchen greenhouse window into the Catten Skybox Cafe for #UrsaMinorCat. It has a water feature, plush carpet, and meals with a show! He already liked hanging out here and we hope it encourages him to drink more water.
The fountain can’t be on the floor because the English bulldog treats it like a kind of face-wrinkle bidet. This quickly turns it into a sticky mess, unappealing to anyone and hell on the filter!
Ursa especially liked it when there were birds active earlier. He was alternating between snacking and chattering excitedly.
I’ll come up with a better sun shade when we get to summer. This window is west facing and gets all the afternoon sun. It makes our kitchen unpleasantly warm.
#CatsOfMastadon #cat #SkyboxButForCat
#caturday #ursaminorcat #catsofmastadon #cat #skyboxbutforcat
Enjoy this series of photos of #UrsaMinorCat, a young grey and white tabby cat, loving on the Nespresso machine.
Ursa is softly mewing at me from the foot of the bed. Something like, “breakfast time now?” #UrsaMinorCat
Help I need to get up and get ready for bed but am currently serving as nap platform for handsome cat. #UrsaMinorCat
Just realized that the fediverse hasn’t met the Shoulder Cat version of #UrsaMinorCat so here you are.
He has a specific ask when he wants to be picked up and put on your shoulders like this. He’ll stay there for quite a while, even as you move about the house.
Here we’re looking out the kitchen patio door. I think he got annoyed when I blocked his view with my phone to get the photo.
#ursaminorcat #cats #catsofmastodon
“What’s that noise in the kitchen?”
Gets up to investigate…
“It’s Ursa helping himself to stale Cheetos out of the compost bin!”
You’d never know he recently got his goblin mode upgrade. #UrsaMinorCat #Cats
Guess who ate an undetermined amount of raw pork sausage?? #UrsaMinorCat #cats
For his first two years, Ursa did not jump up onto anything taller than ~18 inches. Until he did. And he quickly discovered how out of practice we are at not leaving delicious things about.