More AOS! Lots of overall amazing work, but I was absolutely smitten with both the stonecast and the synthwave nighthaunts. Both really stood out with how striking they were.
#warhammer #warhammerAOS #ageOfSigmar #miniatures #usOpenSeattle
#warhammer #warhammerAoS #ageofsigmar #miniatures #usOpenSeattle
Among all the minis at the Open were these fantastically converted gothic horror Custodes. I absolutely loved the vibe, lots of bits from Drukhari and AOS at work here!
#warhammer #warhammer40k #miniatures #usOpenSeattle
The new Chaos Knights kits + dex aren't even out yet, but that didn't stop this guy from bringing some absolutely PHENOMENAL conversions to the event. Going to try and stick with Loyalist Knights this edition when I grab them, but the idea of feral wardogs rampaging on all fours is *sogood*.
#warhammer #warhammer40k #miniatures #usOpenSeattle
I was super fortunate on the last day of the Open in finding one last rando game before the event wrapped up. My opponent was a gent who had picked his army up off ebay for what is quite frankly a steal. While I was a little sad he had brought it pre-painted, it was still awesome getting to play against them on the tabletop.
#warhammer #warhammer40k #miniatures #usOpenSeattle
A really fun but unexpected sight was some classic armies folks had brought. It's always great seeing older minis with a lot of love put into them at these kinds of events, where they can really stand out from the crowd.
#warhammer #warhammer40k #rogueTrader #miniatures #usOpenSeattle
#warhammer #warhammer40k #rogueTrader #miniatures #usOpenSeattle
And now back to 40k related photos!
#warhammer #warhammer40k #miniatures #usOpenSeattle
Found a gentleman with an absolutely beautiful diorama for his lovely snek ladies. <3
#Warhammer #warhammerAoS #AgeOfSigmar
#Miniatures #usOpenSeattle
#warhammer #warhammerAoS #ageofsigmar #miniatures #usOpenSeattle
Oh boy, time for more photos! This time featuring more AOS! #Warhammer #AgeOfSigmar #Miniatures #usOpenSeattle
#warhammer #ageofsigmar #miniatures #usOpenSeattle
Some shots from the whopping 1 game I was able to get in today. I was successful in pushing my opponent into their deployment zone and bullying them while free to hold objectives. Probably would have won, but had to call the game early due to a painting workshop I forgot was today.
Most importantly, the Sisters of Silence survived for once! Huzzah! 😁
#Warhammer #Warhammer40k #usOpenSeattle #miniatures #adeptusCustodes
#warhammer #warhammer40k #usOpenSeattle #miniatures #adeptusCustodes
More lovely painted armies found in the gaming area today! #Warhammer #Warhammer40k #usOpenSeattle #Miniatures
#warhammer #warhammer40k #usOpenSeattle #miniatures
Some of the 40k armies out for play
#usOpenSeattle #warhammer #warhammer40k #miniatures
Definitely still got events photos to come, but in the meantime! Currently on the floor for some open play with the 10,000! If you see me, please feel free to say hello! Would love to meet you!
#Warhammer40k #Warhammer #usOpenSeattle #miniatures
#warhammer40k #warhammer #usOpenSeattle #miniatures