How are #web devs handling the UI pattern of a big clickable area with text, images, and other clickable stuff inside it?
Example: A Mastodon post has links inside it but can also be clicked to show the reply thread.
I know how to implement this all in JS, but mostly concerned about the #accessibility and #usability implications. My recollection is that some screenreaders do not handle nested links in buttons well and even apart from that, there's the general ambiguity of "wait, they clicked a link inside a button -- which onClick handler did they intend to fire?"
#web #accessibility #usability
@meredith is it mastodon's decision or just that the majority of users are still using all-lowercase tags?
I would prefer mastodon to show me the tags I've used before on top of the search list, as most of my tags are CamelCase.
If I were to #build something like Mastodon in the past, what would I do different?
a) if there was a need to hide things away, because it might trigger people, I certainly WOULD REFRAIN from calling that option "Content Warning".
b) my focus would be in easy of use, ie. #Accessibility and #Usability for the end user. The current version of Maston is still very much focused on DX, not UX.
#usability #accessibility #build
Security maatregelen om phishing te voorkomen icm awareness verhogen .... ik ben bijna altijd voor ....
maar wat worden mail-draadjes toch onooglijk.
#security #usability #phishing
When will they fix this issue in iOS when you click to share a link and the entire share drawer slides down because of the preview loading late, which makes you click on the wrong damn link?!
Online, lekker gemakkelijk. Een fotootje van mijn dagboek over gisterenavond. #online #wandelen #app #privacy #commercie #usability
#usability #commercie #privacy #app #wandelen #online
How Windows 95 was created, including its UI and the usability tests for it:
"[the team] chose to take an iterative approach …They would come up with an idea, implement it, user test it, take the feedback, do it all again.…three to four users representing beginners and intermediate users were bought into the lab and completed tasks with each prototype"
Found this Nespresso coffee machine in my hotel room. But got do I get the capsule inside? I could not figure it out. Aaah! I want my coffee in the morning ☕
Finally, my wife found the solution 😃 (Picture in thread)
A good reminder, how important #affordance is for #usability
@mike no. Bad #usability and netiquette headhunters also play a significant role. #BlackMastodon has a hard time here, for example. And I can only shake my head how arbitrary the delete decisions are. The danger to be deplatformed without any chance to get a fair trial has a chilling effect and that keeps people away.
Web developers: If you can't stop your stakeholders from making you put a "live help" or "May I help you?" chat(bot) widget on your site, see if you can at least get them to agree that if the user has already dismissed it X times (like say 3), you should stop showing it anymore.
Or, try suggesting X be 1 time, and let them talk you down to 3.
#usability #UXDesign #BadUX #BadUXDesign #WebDev #WebDevelopment
#usability #uxdesign #badux #baduxdesign #webdev #webdevelopment
@FinchHaven @JamesGleick Your answer is the best illustration of why #Mastodon will probably fail. The original #UI is a contradiction to all lessons learned about #usability and #ergonomics. In my 35+ years of working with computers I have never ever encountered such a mess. It's ridiculous. The self-righteous attitude of some people here on this platform and the unwillingness to accept any kind of critique is a nail in the coffin of this platform.
#mastodon #ui #usability #ergonomics
Avoid Bad Technology Non-Solutions Using Agile and PDSA
"Many technology solutions are lousy. If people applied PDSA thinking they would be much better off. #Agile software development does this to a reasonable degree... A big reason I moved into technology myself was because getting IT solutions implemented properly (even half way decently) was nearly impossible. And this is true all over..."
#agile #management #softwaredevelopment #PDSA #usability
Beim Zusammensuchen von Accounts für die Timeline liegt #Bluesky jedenfalls spürbar vor #mastodon, danach aber nicht mehr. #usability
Keyboard navigation would be nice to have on web mail client.
#accessibility #usability #ux
#20yrsago US goverment trying to sink #WIPO #OpenContent talks
#20yrsago #GilbertoGil supports CD-burning automats
#20yrsago Out of Blue Six: a lost gem
#20yrsago Paramilitary wing of the #usability movement
#20yrsago #AnalFissures in a nutshell
#20yrsago Beyond Fear: Required reading for #AshcroftsAmerica
#20yrsago #wipo #opencontent #gilbertogil #usability #AnalFissures #ashcroftsamerica
Swedish UX designer Amin Amini is curating a deep accessibility repository. He calls it “A11y Cat.” Clever, eh? And useful! There’s so much stuff in there!
#Accessibility #A11y #UX #UI #Design #Development #Usability #A11yCat #AminAmini
#aminamini #a11ycat #usability #development #design #ui #ux #a11y #accessibility
"how do we pay for parking?"
@harold I just noticed this on Friday when I was using it. Ridiculous.
20+ years later and we have learned nothing.
#webDev #usability #ux #WebDesign
#webdev #usability #UX #WebDesign
Śmiałe tezy – "era post-PC nigdy nie nadeszła", montaż wideo na smartfonie niewygodny... Cóż, kilkanaście lat temu, gdy robiłem sobie – delikatnie rzecz ujmując – heheszki z tzw. ery post-PC i kluczowej roli smartfonów i tabletów w wypieraniu obleśnych blaszaków czy nieporęcznych laptopów, od których tylko nadgarstki puchną, a które już do niczego nie będą potrzebne, ekipa z Google+ (swoją drogą bardzo fajna ekipa, głównie techniczne mózgi, w tym redaktorzy internetowych pisemek, których jedno właśnie linkuję :)) chciała mnie wykląć od czci i wiary ;D
A tu tymczasem takie "kfiatki". No, no.
#smartfon #smartphone #użyteczność #usability #tablet #userexperience #doświadczenie
#doswiadczenie #userexperience #tablet #usability #uzytecznosc #smartphone #smartfon