Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
3241 followers · 1699 posts · Server aus.social

With the Bird Site implementing New Features*, it's time for another post, where I use my large follower count to more richly connect the :fediverse:

@sarahmei is Head of at πŸ‘‹

@vukosi is Chair of at the University of , and works with Deep Learning and to aid African language technologies πŸ‘‹

@TomHoneyman leads work at - the Australian Research Data Commons - to increase the recognition of as a output πŸ‘‹

@trao is Tanushree and she is doing a at where she works on , , and . She's into and πŸ‘‹

@KohaILS is the account for the integrated system developed in , and used around the world πŸ‘‹

@verena_distler is a at ain who works on in and πŸ‘‹

@wikidata is the account for the project, which aims to create of that can be re-used openly across the world πŸ‘‹ ⌨️

Don't forget to post your own so we can more richly connect the ❀️

#connectionlist #introduction #followfriday #joinmastodon #twittermigration #fediverse #engineering #backerkit #datascience #Pretoria #indaba #Masakhane #nlp #ardc #researchsoftware #research #phd #stockholm #university #aid #migration #inequality #institutions #rstats #dataviz #opensource #library #aotearoa #glam #postdoc #unibw #munich #hci #security #privacy #usableSecurity #mastodon #wikidata #ontologies #opendata

Last updated 2 years ago

Steffen Wendzel · @cdpxe
98 followers · 74 posts · Server dju.social

"Why People Replace their Aging Smart Devices: A Push-Pull-Mooring Perspective", new paper accepted at Computers & Security. Congrats to all my wonderful co-authors! is available: researchgate.net/publication/3

#preprint #hcisec #usableSecurity #infosec #iot #Smarthome #humanaspects

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorenzo De Carli · @ldklinux
34 followers · 46 posts · Server fediscience.org

time! I am trying this Mastodon thingy and liking it so far. I am an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Software Engineering at the University of Calgary, in beautiful πŸ”οΈ, πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦. I am interested in all things , particularly , , and intersections with and

#usableSecurity #hci #softwaresupplychain #iot #cybersecurity #canada #alberta #introduction #academic

Last updated 2 years ago