our preliminary proposal has just been sent to our newly assigned Army Corps of Engineers project coordinator.
fingers crossed. it’s incredibly stressful to deal with neighbors who don’t follow #forestry best practices so that one ends up inheriting the consequences of their selfish decisions.
#forestry #rewilding #oregon #usace
Friendly reminder with #March only 7 days away you should get yourself over to #Portland district of the #USACE and download their #Cats on #Infastructure calendar.
Link to Army Corps of Engineers digital library: https://usace.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/p16021coll11/id/5869/
#march #portland #usace #cats #infastructure
Hey kids, let's all travel out to the Paul S. Sarbanes Ecosystem Restoration Project at Poplar Island:
#EnvironmentalRestoration #Engineering #WildlifeHabitat #Chesapeake #USACE #MDOTMPA #MES
#environmentalrestoration #engineering #wildlifehabitat #chesapeake #usace #mdotmpa #mes