USA military and laws for a draft...
> A federal district court has ruled that male-only draft registration is unconstitutional. Contrary to popular myth a draft does not decrease the chances or duration or extent of wars.
#WorldBeyondWar #USAdraft #SelectiveService #USAmilitary
#usamilitary #selectiveservice #usadraft #WorldBeyondWar
> In every poll since the Viet Nam war, reinstatement of the draft is overwhelmingly opposed by the general public, and even more so by veterans...
> Despite a 22% increase in sexual assault reports since 2015, convictions have plummeted by almost 60% in the same timeframe.
#WorldBeyondWar #USAdraft #USAmilitary #MilitaryDraft #SexualAssault #USAveterans #VietnamWar #InvasionOfVietnam
#invasionofvietnam #vietnamwar #usaveterans #sexualassault #militarydraft #usamilitary #usadraft #WorldBeyondWar