JSTORDaily article by Sophia McClennen, author of Trump Was a Joke, on satirising him during his election campaign. "Part of what satire tends to do is reframe faulty logic and false narratives, but then when the narrative is not just a false narrative but an absolutely inane narrative, it gives you very little room to reveal its absurdity through absurdity." Could apply to quite a few UK politicians and suchlike. #Trump #satire #USApolitics #USAmedia
#usamedia #usapolitics #satire #Trump
https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/08/business/media/cnn-chris-licht-cable-news.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare The center is not balancing between a party that generally holds to truth and a commitment to governance and a party of wannabe petty autocrats who reject truth, democracy and governance in a raw grasp for power by any means. This article’s headline confuses centrism with splitting the difference between the two dominant parties. #falsePremise #USAMedia #USAPolitics
#usapolitics #usamedia #falsepremise
How USA media brainwash people #1 http://bit.ly/2RCLYow
#Newsisbad. Watching TV, #TVnews, Reading news is terrible idea.
#USAmedia #brainwash #brainwashed #Americans #life
#life #americans #brainwashed #brainwash #usamedia #tvnews #newsisbad