The Greta affect...
Young voters (especially those under 30) saved the Democrats. Motivated by issues related to abortion, climate change, and firearms, it looks like young voters came out in record numbers for a mid-term election and helped prevent that "Red Wave" from materializing. #USAMidTerms #democracyWins
Bei den Zwischenwahlen wird der US-Präsident wahrscheinlich seine Mehrheit im Repräsentantenhaus verlieren. Doch die Einbußen fallen weit weniger dramatisch aus als erwartet
Bidens Glückstag und Trumps faustdickes Problem #midterm22 #midtermselections2022 #USAMidTerms
#midterm22 #midtermselections2022 #usamidterms
Flying Old Glory as we watch the Democrats out perform the pundits. #usamidterms #USAElections
What's your feeling? Will the Republicans take the House and Senate in the US Midterm elections? #USAmidterms #MidtermElection2022 #ElectionDay
#ElectionDay #midtermelection2022 #usamidterms
A legitimate question. If TheDonald still claims to have won in 2020, doesn't that mean, by his own standard, he shouldn't be able to run in 2024? If he tries to run again, he must be held accountable for his lies and cannot be allowed to ideologically flaunt standards of honesty. ALL politicians who participate in their lies must be held accountable.
#DonaldTrump #USAmidterms #2024PresidentialElection #VoteBlueTomorrow
#votebluetomorrow #2024PresidentialElection #usamidterms #DonaldTrump
Pls make a plan to vote in the #USAMidTerms if you are a citizen.
Many states still have #early_voting sites if you can't make it on election day next week.
"Younger voters are turning out in the hot Senate races. #Democrats need them to show up everywhere"
We can make the attached scenario graph (218D, 217R) a reality for the House of Representatives if we all vote.
#uspolitics #us (#usa is one of the many countries in the #america continent)
#usamidterms #early_voting #democrats #uspolitics #us #usa #america
Selon le dernier sondage Gallup, 68 % de la population approuve aujourd’hui les syndicats, le chiffre le plus élevé depuis 1965, ce qui donne aux syndicats un nouvel élan. #USA #Syndicats #USAMidTerms