Email your state’s Secretary of State!
#usapolitics #uspolitics #usapol #uspol #14thamendment
In the 1950s yand 60s you'd be arrested as an "unAmerican spy" for saying out loud that you enjoy commun...ity theater.
But today you can go on the national news and announce your open and fervent loyalty to a person actively being tried in court for conspiracy against the country, and they'll invite you back on the next day to help "tell both sides" of a fascist coup!
Whatever, I sure hope cheeto gets the punishment you all crave, because this looks like "non-community" theater to me.
I am genuinely excited by the newly elected National Political Committee of the DSA. I think its a more representative group and they have had a chance to observe and learn from some issues affecting the last NPC especially how volunteer labor is supported and appreciated.
Elections have this brief moment of joy of new change sometimes. I am feeling it. #DSA #DemocraticSocialistsOfAmerica #USAPol
#dsa #democraticsocialistsofamerica #usapol
Är inte #donaldtrump den där mördaren som hugger huvudet av en hemlös mitt framför ögonen på 12tusen åskådare mitt i arenan och vid rättegången blånekar. Han var liksom inte ens där. Det var en socialist-kommunist-liberal som såg ut som honom. #Usapol #Trump #gaslighting
#gaslighting #trump #usapol #donaldtrump
Plutôt que de lutter contre la crise climatique, les USA luttent contre la dédollarisation et la perte de leur hégémonie. Nous entraînant dans leur chute. #usapol #climatecrisis #BRICS
Her er en gammel video med et nutidigt blik på økonomisk ulighed i et land som USA. Ekstremt. #dkpol #usapol
That awkward cognitive dissonance where you feel excited for a Republican primary candidate... even when you've sworn to never support a non-Democrat again until the Republicans disown Trump.
#awkward #usapol #exvangelical
Dear Fellow Democrats:
Do not help republicans get out of the mess they created by helping a GOP #speakerofthehouse get across the finish line.
I don't care what Kevin promises you. That bitch is a bitch. Do not believe him.
Force them to either shitcan Kevin or make him into a fleshlight for the QAnon caucus.
Make this pack of rubes go on record with every horrible impulse that they have.
#SpeakeroftheHouse #politics #usapol
There's a double bind in the case of D #Trump. Yes, he is an indivdual & should face law as such bt he also represents 10s of millions of people who identify with him, who take any attack on him, of any sort legitimate or not, as personal to them. It may have the opposite affect making him a martyr for them.
#USA #usapol #jan6 #USAcongress
#trump #usa #usapol #JAN6 #usacongress
There's a double bind in the case of D #Trump. Yes, he is an indivdual & should face law as such bt he also represents 10s of millions of people who identify with him, who take any attack on him, of any sort legitimate or not, as personal to them. It may have the opposite affect making him a martyr for them.
#USA #usapol #jan6 #USAcongress
#trump #usa #usapol #JAN6 #usacongress
@Liga There was a very long thread on this somewhere around here and this was the bottom line. I’m going to start with the #USPol tag which seems to be the most popular, but there is also an argument for the three digit prefix #USAPol. If people would do this one could set a filter to remove them completely or have Mastodon provide an option to open.
Since Mastodon has a more European and International mix, someone mentioned adding hashtags to nation-specific political posts to help other national users sift through them, such as:
I think it's a pretty good idea.
I wonder how many ex-Twitter users dropped off the rolls today for good, after their 30 day re-activation option period ended.
Thirty days ago was, after all, the day Musk glorified the assault on our nation's capitol by bringing back it's ringleader.
Interesting that today was also the day this ringleader was formally given a congressional criminal referral.
These days, the facts don't just stand on their own. They need help.
They are under attack.
Today, we must stand up for them to ensure that we maintain the strength of our Democracy for tomorrow.
Thank you, Jan. 6th Committee.
These days, facts don't just stand on their own. They need help.
They are under attack.
Today, we must stand up for them to ensure that we maintain the strength of our Democracy for tomorrow.
Thank you, Jan. 6th Committee.
Ikväll kl 19 kommer sjätte-januari-kommittén med sitt utlåtande om Trump bör åtalas eller inte för sin inblandning i 6/1-kuppen i USA.
Deras utlåtande är vägledande och inte ett krav, men ändå en stor grej om de rekommenderar ett åtal. Det är upp till Justitiedepartementet att sen åtala Trump.
Vad tror ni? Blir det något åtal? Kommer hans inblandning få några konsekvenser eller är det business-as-usual i Amerikat?