Boy oh boy do I dislike Gareth Bale. First the mls cup, and now the World Cup. This guy destined to trample my hopes every time? #worldcup #usmnt #UsaVsWales #doop
#worldcup #usmnt #usavswales #doop
Caught the equalizer in todays #worldcup #usavswales match. US looked like they were gonna fall over from exhaustion. 😕
I guess it’s the child in me, but I tooted through that whole match. #USAvsWales #fifa #fifaworldcup #FIFAWorldCup2022
#usavswales #fifa #fifaworldcup #fifaworldcup2022
A tie, bro?? man soccer is so lame I swear to g 😭 Just let them do a shoot-out or something, come on! #WorldCup #USAvsWales
When a tie feels like a loss #usavswales #usmnt #worldcup #worldcup2022
#usavswales #usmnt #worldcup #worldcup2022
Tough to root against a team with 3 players with #LFC connections but come on USA pull it together. This second half has been dire. #USAvsWales #usmnt
Tough to root against a team with 3 players with #LFC connections but come on USA pull it together. This second half has been dire. #USAvsWales #usmnt
Triste el estar forzado a usar mi #HideMyAss VPN, ubicándolo en Australia, para vía una de las emisiones gratuitas de dicho gran país, poder disfrutar con el juego de #USAvsWales en el #MundialdeFútbol. Mientras, #CHV y #TV13 en Chile, desplazan el deporte (se trata de un evento una vez cada cuatro años... ¿si?), para brindar su habitual, pestilente y fétida, "cebolla de la tarde". Oh well...
#tv13 #CHV #mundialdefutbol #usavswales #hidemyass
Big #sportsday in my home: #usavswales (Welsh friendly household here) & #SFvsAZ in Mexico City
#sportsday #usavswales #SFvsAZ
I have never once in my life thought “I wonder what Alexi Lalas thinks bout this” #usavswales #fuckfifa
Watching #FIFA #WorldCup22 #usavswales ⚽️. This is such a conflicting game for me: American of Welsh ancestry-so conflicted!!! Lol 😆
Day 2 of my World Cup menu and I've gone with....USA (sorry Wales). Homemade burger and fries today cos I been working and didn't have much time to cook/prep. Also need to make sure the kids eat it all! #WorldCup #USAvsWales #Burger&Fries #WorldCupFood ##Food
#worldcup #usavswales #burger #worldcupfood #food
i think i'll live toot (sigh) the #usavswales game here. or whatever hashtag is actually going to trend.
Who is watching #USAvsWales today?
I am trying to out aside the controversy and just enjoy the game.
#usavswales #worldcup #worldcup22