Thinking of tracking “Apple adopts USB-C, hur, hur ” coverage and using it as a yardstick to ignore all further tech commentary from those people/outlets. If you can’t see they’ve been moving towards that for years, partly because it’ll be mandated soon enough and partly because the logic is inevitable, then your commentary is useless. Mind you, plenty of pundits’ iPad coverage has made that clear. #apple #usbc
“Wonderlust” Event von Apple: Das werden wir nicht sehen
Apple-Fans weltweit sind gespannt: Was wird das Unternehmen beim bevorstehenden 'Wonderlust' Event bekanntgeben? Während einige Produktupdates als wahrscheinlich gelten, gibt es einige Überraschungen, die Apple wahrscheinlich noch
#News #AirPodsPro2 #Apple #IPadMini #IPadPro #IPhone15 #M3Macs #MacBookAir #USBC #WonderlustEvent #WWDC2023
#News #airpodspro2 #Apple #ipadmini #ipadpro #iphone15 #m3macs #macbookair #usbc #wonderlustevent #wwdc2023
Furthermore, consider: #Apple needs to put a positive spin on the #USBC transition, because I think most non-tech nerd iPhone users will be mad they have to buy new cables and the media will be dying to talk about how the switch to C is some money grab to sell cables. So putting USB3 on the base iPhone means that they can open the iPhone section with “USBC: it’s 10x faster than #Lightning!” Since even the lowest USB3 speed is 5gbps, while USB2 (that all iPhones have had) maxes at 480mbps. 2/3
Ok, time for some last minute #iPhone15 speculations, specifically about #USB speeds on the #usbc port which is widely expected to come to the iPhone 15. Most leaks are saying the Pros will get #USB3 or thunderbolt while the base will get USB2, but I think the base iPhone 15 will get USB 3 speeds while the Pros will get thunderbolt. Many leaks saying the base iPhone gets #USB2 are based on the type of cable in box, but #Apple regularly includes USB2 charging cables with USB3 devices. 1/3
#iphone15 #usb #usbc #usb3 #usb2 #apple
Tomorrow we say goodbye! It’s been fun old friend. 🫡
#lightningadapter #usbc #appleevent
Apple is finally releasing an iPhone with USB this month, if the rumours are true.
This is long overdue! Here is a fun video and some useful articles:
Alternative 🔗:
Artwork by Joe Kim for Hackaday
#usbc #onecabletochargethemall #iphone #iphone15
John Gruber on the iPhone switch to USB-C.
12. September: Revolutionäres iPhone 15, Turbo-Uhren und neue AirPods
Mark Gurman von Bloomberg behauptet, den ganzen Ablauf der Keynote vom 12. September bereits zu kennen. Im Fokus steht demnach - wenig verwunderlich - das iPhone 15, er
#Feature #iPhone #Watch #AirPods #Apple #AppleWatchSeries9 #IPhone15 #LIPO #Ortungsfunktionen #Smartwatches #Titan #UltrabreitbandChipU2 #USBC
#feature #iphone #watch #airpods #Apple #applewatchseries9 #iphone15 #lipo #ortungsfunktionen #smartwatches #titan #ultrabreitbandchipu2 #usbc
01 Net: L’USB-C, ce sera aussi pour les AirPods #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #airpods #Audio #USBC
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #AirPods #audio #usbc
Umfrage: USB-C könnte Android-Käufer anlocken
Apple soll mit dem kommenden iPhone auf USB-C umsteigen, nicht ganz freiwillig. Einer neuen Umfrage zu Folge könnte dies Android-Fans durchaus anlocken.
Eine Umfrage von SellCell hat interessante Ergebn
#News #Zubehr #Android #AppleEvent #EuropischeVorschriften #IPhone15 #Ladestandard #LightningAnschluss #SellCellUmfrage #SmartphoneMarkt #Umstieg #USBC
#News #zubehr #android #appleevent #europischevorschriften #iphone15 #ladestandard #lightninganschluss #sellcellumfrage #smartphonemarkt #umstieg #usbc
In genau einer Woche wird #Apple die neuen #iPhone15-Modelle der Öffentlichkeit präsentieren. Der Umstieg auf USB-C scheint sicher, zudem sollen alle Modelle die vom #iPhone14Pro bekannte #DynamicIsland erhalten. Die Pro-Varianten sollen hingegen zusätzliche Funktionen und Neuerungen bekommen, zum Beispiel eine anpassbare #Aktionstaste, den neuen #A17Bionic Chip, WiFi 6E und mehr.
Alle erwarteten Features:
#appgefahren #AppleBlog #iPhone #iPad #Mac #Keynote #iPhone15Pro #iPhone15ProMax #USBC
#Apple #iphone15 #iphone14Pro #DynamicIsland #aktionstaste #a17bionic #appgefahren #appleblog #iphone #ipad #mac #keynote #iPhone15Pro #iPhone15ProMax #usbc
Hab mir dann heute noch „schnell“ die AirPods Pro 2 mit Lightning gekauft, da meine aktuellen Devices ja alle noch Lightning haben und das nächste iPhone für mich noch auf sich warten lassen wird … #AppleEvent #USBC #LightningAnschluss
#AppleEvent #usbc #lightninganschluss
Lilbits: Asus NUC products are official, iPhone 15 will feature USB-C, and closer look at two new handheld gaming PCs #Apple, #Asus, #AsusNuc, #Ayn, #AynLokiZero, #HandheldGamingPc, #Iphone, #LenovoLegionGo, #Lilbits, #Linuxsmartphones, #Minipc, #MobileLinux, #Nuc, #UsbTypec, #Usbc
#apple #asus #asusnuc #ayn #aynlokizero #handheldgamingpc #iphone #lenovolegiongo #lilbits #linuxsmartphones #minipc #mobilelinux #nuc #usbtypec #usbc
Hintergrund: Apple wechselt beim iPhone zum USB-C-Anschluss
Laut Mark Gurman von Bloomberg ersetzt Apple ab der kommenden iPhone-Genration den Lightning-Anschluss durch USB-C. Ein Schritt, den das Unternehmen jahrelang vermieden hat. Jetzt bestätigt App
#iPhone #News #Zubehr #Adapter #Androidkosystem #Apple #Datenbertragung #EuropischeUnion #InduktivesLaden #iPhone #LightningAnschluss #USBC
#iphone #News #zubehr #adapter #androidkosystem #Apple #datenbertragung #europischeunion #induktivesladen #lightninganschluss #usbc
Breaking: Apple is shifting from Lightning to USB-C for the iPhone 15, following EU regulations. The change promises faster charging and data transfer. Apple is also innovating with 3D-printed device enclosures and upgrading the Magic Keyboard for iPad. Stay tuned for the September 12 event.
#Apple, #Event, #AppleEvent, #iPhone, #iPhone15, #USBC #Tech, #expectation, #TechExpectation.
#apple #event #appleevent #iphone #iPhone15 #usbc #tech #expectation #techexpectation
Anker’s Excellent 8-In-1 USB-C Hub Is Just $40 Today
Check it out! 👇
Das nenne ich mal eine minimalistische Umverpackung. Klitzekleines Kartönchen. Süßniedlich. 😄 #Gadgets #KFZLadegerät #Ladegerät #USBC #KFZ #Zubehör
#gadgets #kfzladegerat #ladegerat #usbc #kfz #zubehor
Apple's fall event is coming up and it's expected that the iPhone 15 will adopt USB-C. Let's clear a few things up:
▶︎ Apple designed Lightning as a modern connector for "the next decade" (that was in September 2012).
▶︎ Apple needed a reversible, universal adapter (well, "universal" to Apple at least) in 2012 - USB-C spec was still two years away from being published.
▶︎ Apple "isn't mad" about changing to USB-C. If anything, Apple must have a crystal ball because they hit the "decade" nail on the head! If it wasn't for COVID, I bet the transition would have completed MUCH sooner.
▶︎ Apple has already been transitioning to USB-C since 2016. Remember the redesigned MacBooks? Every model since has been USB-C and it's been nothing but complaining about "dongle hell" ignoring the fact that maybe it's the peripheral manufacturers refusing to give up USB-A?
▶︎ Proprietary ports, open standard ports. Nothing seems to make anyone happy. While USB-C is far from perfect, it FINALLY embraces the "Universal" part of Universal Serial Bus.
▶︎ BTW, Apple sits on the Board of Directors for the USB Implementers Forum... so... yeah, they're kinda into this whole USB thing and know proprietary connectors are so 2012.
#Apple #iPhone #iPhone15 #LightningConnector #USBC #AppleFallEvent #AppleSpecialEvent #AppleEvent
#apple #iphone #iphone15 #lightningconnector #usbc #applefallevent #applespecialevent #appleevent