Building Up Unicode Characters One Bit at a Time - The range of characters that can be represented by Unicode is truly bewildering. I... - #peripheralshacks #truetypefont #codepoint #keyboard #unicode #binary #usbhid #glyph #utf-8
#utf #glyph #usbhid #binary #unicode #keyboard #codepoint #truetypefont #peripheralshacks
Hackaday Prize 2023: Sleek Macro Pad Makes 2FA a Little Easier - We all know the drill when it comes to online security — something you know, and s... - #two-factorauthenication #2023hackadayprize #thehackadayprize #contests #cherrymx #esp32-s3 #feather #rfc6238 #usbhid #salt #totp #2fa #ntp #tft
#tft #ntp #2fa #totp #salt #usbhid #RFC6238 #feather #esp32 #cherrymx #contests #thehackadayprize #2023hackadayprize #two
Ideally, I'd get an ABNT2 "teclado multimidia" so that I could test most functions with one keyboard. But no-one is selling from Brazil to the U.K..
And I'd still need a Japanese and Korean keyboard in parallel as well. I actually have some HP ABNT2, Japanese, and Korean keyboards, but it's a lot of desk space to have them all connected up; and they don't have all of the "multimidia" keys, so that's a _fourth_ keyboard to get them ... (-:
The problem with the programmable add-on keypads is that they're programmable, and don't send the standard USB HID usage codes down the wire. For my purposes, I want something that sends the vanilla USB HID usages for the consumer/system keys; which no-one seems to do as a mass-market item.
Ideally, it would have the various language keys from the Japanese and Korean keyboards, too. But I suspect that I am a one-person market here. (-:
So... does anyone that follows me know their way around the Linux USB HID joystick/gamepad system?
I'm using a BetaFPV LiteRadio 3 radio control transmitter as a controller for drone simulators. It *almost* Just Works in a rather annoying way. It gets detected as a USB joystick (hidraw5 USB HID v1.11 Joystick) and gets bound to /dev/input/js0, where jstest reports it as having 7 axes and 0 buttons. The problem is that it should be a joystick with *8* axes and 0 buttons (4 axes for the 2 sticks, 2 3-position switches, & 2 2 position switches). Whenever I plug it in one of the 8 axes will be randomly disabled, and the remaining 7 axes will be randomly shuffled. Consequently I have to remap the controller in the game config every time I want to use it, a process that sometimes involves unplugging it and plugging it back in several times until all 4 of the stick axes are functioning (I've given up on using the switches).
Is this something that I could fix with a cunning udev rule or something, or am I stuffed? My web searching has so far failed to find anything useful.
#linux #usbhid #gamingonlinux #fpv #liftoff #velocidrone
The MouSTer Adapter Now Has Amiga Scroll Support #Retrocomputing #retrocomputing #retrocomputer #usbmouse #mouster #usbhid #amiga #atari #mouse
#Retrocomputing #retrocomputer #usbmouse #mouster #usbhid #amiga #atari #mouse
Footpedal Ups Vim Productivity, Brings Ergonomic Benefits #PeripheralsHacks #footpedal #pipico #usbhid #vim #vi
#PeripheralsHacks #footpedal #pipico #usbhid #vim #vi
Footpedal Ups Vim Productivity, Brings Ergonomic Benefits - Vim is the greatest or the worst text editor of all time, depending on the tribe y... - #peripheralshacks #footpedal #pipico #usbhid #vim #vi
#vi #vim #usbhid #pipico #footpedal #peripheralshacks
Odd Inputs and Peculiar Peripherals: Using a Commodore Light Pen on a Modern(ish) Computer
#computerhacks #classichacks #commodore #LightPen #usbhid
#computerhacks #classichacks #commodore #LightPen #usbhid