I think many people from the US don't realise how fucking offensive it is in #Europe to use the word "race" for humans.
Like, if someone told me they are "studying race" in a human context, I'd think they're a Nazi.
The concept of race doesn't even have scientific merit, I am truly baffled by it's survival in the US.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk 😅
#UScentrism #culturaldifferences
Disclaimer: Obviously we still have #racism in Europe despite doing away with the concept of human races
#europe #uscentrism #culturaldifferences #racism
One of the things I love about #mastodon is how often I’ll see languages other than English on here. I get frustrated by implicit #UScentrism (often explicit) on just about every other social media platform, so it’s unbelievably refreshing to have more of a window into other communities, cultures, and countries without any of it being suppressed by an algorithm trained in English only.