#GOP #PresidentialCandidate Calls for Ending #USCitizens’ Automatic #RighttoVote at 18
#gop #presidentialcandidate #uscitizens #righttovote
States haven’t stopped spying on their citizens, post-Snowden – they’ve just got sneakier | Heather Brooke | The Guardian
#us #spying #uscitizens #snowden
According to spokesperson for #BritishColumbia #MinistryOfHealth - 9% of 30,000 #prescriptions for #semaglutide - #drug sold as #Ozempic - filled across BC each month of 2022 were for #UScitizens . That's 22 times higher than percentage of prescriptions filled for US citizens for all drugs, the spokesperson said. Insider was unable to find data that covers all of #Canada
#pharmaceutical #BCpoli #health #medical #medication #CrossBorder #Americans #OnlineDrugsShopping
#britishcolumbia #ministryOfHealth #prescriptions #Semaglutide #drug #ozempic #uscitizens #canada #pharmaceutical #bcpoli #health #medical #medication #CrossBorder #americans #onlinedrugsshopping
In 1967, the residents of US-#Mexico border town Rio Rico discovered they weren't Mexican citizens but were actually #American.
For years it was assumed Rio Rico was part of Mexico, because it lay south of the river that forms the US-Mexico border.
During the Prohibition era, the town became known as a place #UScitizens could go to freely drink and gamble.
However, prior to 1906, #RioRico actually lay to the north of the river and was therefore American territory.
#mexico #american #uscitizens #riorico
New citizens here now
Pandemic delayed process
A million become US.
#immigration #naturalization #uscitizens #haiku #poetry
#haiku #uscitizens #immigration #naturalization #poetry
@nafnlaus - not that I know - but was surprise by the map circulated that Ukraine has a settlement called 'New York' - seemed somehow relevant as a rallying point for #UScitizens particularly
2 US citizens injured in Jerusalem during deadly terror attack, ambassador says
#Jerusalem #UScitizens #terrorattack
#jerusalem #uscitizens #terrorattack