Terry Griffin · @spaceplowboy
3 followers · 6 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Another tool using publicly available data intended for use by the public:

Estimating Farmland Values Based on Historic Index Numbers provides indices of land values, which can be used to estimate farmland value for a given year using the current farmland value. Estimating stepped-up basis when comparables or appraisals are not available is one primary use of this tool.


#shinyapps #farmers #landowners #farmland #usdanass #land #agriculture #rstats

Last updated 2 years ago

Terry Griffin · @spaceplowboy
25 followers · 17 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Another tool using publicly available data intended for use by the public:

Estimating Farmland Values Based on Historic Index Numbers provides indices of land values, which can be used to estimate farmland value for a given year using the current farmland value. Estimating stepped-up basis when comparables or appraisals are not available is one primary use of this tool.


#shinyapps #farmers #landowners #farmland #usdanass #land #agriculture #rstats

Last updated 2 years ago

Terry Griffin · @spaceplowboy
3 followers · 3 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

One available tool is Fieldwork Days Evaluator. Data are publicly available from processed to answer the question "how much time do I realistically have to perform fieldwork in my location during specific date ranges?".

Alternatively the question can be reframed as "when considering equipment capacity for given acreage, how many hours should we plan for?".

Fieldwork Days Evaluator Tool for your farm: agmanager.info/farm-management

#shinyapps #usdanass #farmers #farming #farmmanagement

Last updated 2 years ago

Terry Griffin · @spaceplowboy
25 followers · 17 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

One available tool is Fieldwork Days Evaluator. Data are publicly available from processed to answer the question "how much time do I realistically have to perform fieldwork in my location during specific date ranges?".

Alternatively the question can be reframed as "when considering equipment capacity for given acreage, how many hours should we plan for?".

Fieldwork Days Evaluator Tool for your farm: agmanager.info/farm-management

#shinyapps #usdanass #farmers #farming #farmmanagement

Last updated 2 years ago