How I still feel in my heart vs. how I will pragmatically vote to STOP FASCISM. #USDemocrats
I don't actually wear this ballcap around town; the one time I did I got flipped off by a white lady driving an SUV making a left turn onto the street where I was idling at the red light...she maintained the one-finger salute all through the turn that she made with one hand on the steering wheel. Suburban Texas, y'all. God I hate it sometimes. #TexasDem #USDemocrats
This is truly wild. WTF?!
"No, Trading Flesh for Prison Time Is Not “Bodily Autonomy."
"A Massachusetts bill — sponsored by Democrats — proposes allowing incarcerated people to donate organs in exchange for shortened sentences." #USdemocrats #USpol #Prison #Massachussets
#usdemocrats #uspol #prison #massachussets