Congratulations to Bay Farm School and Edison Elementary School! These two Alameda schools are among the nine U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools chosen for the 2023 Green Strides Tour in Northern and Central California this fall.
#alameda #AlamedaUnifiedSchoolDistrict #BayFarmSchool #EdisonElementarySchool #GreenStridesTour #SchoolsForClimateSolutions #UsDepartmentOfEducation
#alameda #alamedaunifiedschooldistrict #bayfarmschool #edisonelementaryschool #greenstridestour #schoolsforclimatesolutions #usdepartmentofeducation
Why isn’t the U.S. Department of Education responding to this blatant rewrite of our history? #USDepartmentOfEducation #POTUS #RewritingHistory
#RewritingHistory #potus #usdepartmentofeducation