Report: Nigerian Central Bank Sued for Dollarizing Economy - In a lawsuit filed by a Nigerian human rights activist, the country’s central bank... - #centralbankofnigeria(cbn) #nairadepreciation #dollarization #devaluation #femifalana #usdollars #africa
#africa #usdollars #femifalana #devaluation #dollarization #nairadepreciation #centralbankofnigeria
Report: Zimbabwean Economist Says Portion of Goverment Employees’ Salaries Must Be Paid in Gold Coins - A Zimbabwean economist has said authorities should consider paying a portion of go... - #zimbabwegoldcoins #goldcoinsalary #georgenhepera #depreciation #storeofvalue #economist #inflation #usdollars #africa
#africa #usdollars #inflation #economist #storeofvalue #depreciation #georgenhepera #goldcoinsalary #zimbabwegoldcoins
BRICS Bank ‘Re-taps Into USD Bond Market’ With $1.25 Billion ‘Green’ Bonds - The development bank established by the BRICS group of nations has issued its firs... - #sustainabledevelopment #newdevelopmentbank #developingnations #developmentbank #capitalmarkets #greenprojects #development #greenbonds #investors #usdollars #projects #usdollar #finance #dollars #dollar #bonds #brics #bank #bond
#bond #bank #brics #bonds #Dollar #dollars #finance #usdollar #projects #usdollars #investors #greenbonds #development #greenprojects #capitalmarkets #developmentbank #developingnations #newdevelopmentbank #sustainabledevelopment
De-Dollarization Escalates Amid US ‘Economic Warfare’ and ‘Error-Fraught’ Policies, Economist Says - Economist Peter C. Earle says de-dollarization has begun, emphasizing that “It’s n... - #peterc.earlede-dollarization #de-dollarization #peterc.earle #economics #usdollars #usdollar #dollar
#Dollar #usdollar #usdollars #economics #de #peterc
Report: Somalia to Fight Inflation and Counterfeiters With New Banknotes - According to the deputy governor of the Somalian central bank, Ali Yasin Wardheere... - #internationalmonetaryfund(imf) #centralbankofsomalia #highinflation #siadbaare #usdollars #worldbank #africa
#africa #worldbank #usdollars #siadbaare #highinflation #centralbankofsomalia #internationalmonetaryfund