I'm not blind, but I love looking at image alt text. At its best it can describe a photo in wonderful detail and tell you so much more than is obvious in the photo.
Then you get those that have just a single word, "city" or "lake" or some such. WTF! What does that convey?
If you're in Australia, join me at the Wimmera Steampunk Festival. my Thanks to @dimboolaimaginarium for hosting my talk on the Sunday.
[#videoDescription: crackling sparkler eith midnight blue background. Gold text (in order of appearance): Join me to celebrate 23rd April, 2023/ at the Wimmera Steampunk Festival Dimboola/ Happy birthday / Viola Stewart/ The Adventures of Viola Stewart/ Karen J Carlisle / www.karenjcarlisle.com]
#steampunkEvent #readertok #ThingsIDoWhenImNotWriting #AuthorTalk #steampunkBook #bookTalk #aussieAuthor #indieAuthor #supportingIndieAuthors #useCapitalsInHashtagsForAccessibility #useImageDescriptionForAccessibility #useAltText #AustralianSteampunk #authorLife #writersLife #authorsOfInstagram #BookCharacterBirthday
#videodescription #steampunkevent #readertok #thingsidowhenimnotwriting #authortalk #steampunkbook #booktalk #aussieauthor #indieauthor #supportingindieauthors #usecapitalsinhashtagsforaccessibility #useimagedescriptionforaccessibility #usealttext #australiansteampunk #authorlife #writerslife #authorsofinstagram #bookcharacterbirthday
South Australia is in another heatwave, which has set off massive fibroflare pain and a migraine due to the pressure high. Will be struggling to achieve anything this week. Blankie fort it is.
[#imageDescription: B&W image of Karen, her cheek leaning in her hand. She has closed eyes and is exhausted.]
#fibromyalgia #fibroFlare #mentalHealthMatters #migraines #chronicPain #AdelaideSummer #heatwave #blankieFort #exhausted #aussieAuthor #indieAuthor #thingsIDoWhenImNotWriting #useCapitalsInHashtagsForAccessibility #useImageDescriptionForAccessibility #useAltText
#imagedescription #fibromyalgia #fibroflare #mentalhealthmatters #migraines #chronicpain #adelaidesummer #heatwave #blankiefort #exhausted #aussieauthor #indieauthor #thingsidowhenimnotwriting #usecapitalsinhashtagsforaccessibility #useimagedescriptionforaccessibility #usealttext
when i first got on Mastodon this past fall, images without alt text were kinda rare for me to come across but lately i have been seeing more and more. Not yet as bad as twitter, but images without alt text no longer feel like an exception and that's a bummer.
Alt text your photos, your memes, your infographics, your images. Please.
1st February, 2023 - Doctor Jack & Other Tales - updated eBook re-release.
Begins the roll out of the new release of updated The Adventures of Viola Stewart: compiled to match the paperbacks, and with the new covers!
Available direct from author - early delivery via Bookfunnel : https://karenjcarlisle.com/.../doctor-jack-other-tales.../
Can be pre-ordered via online stores/official release 1st Feb : https://books2read.com/Doctor-Jack-Other-Tales
[#imageDescription: Doctor Jack & Other Tales paperback stands behind a black teacup with gold edging and matching saucer. Text: 1 Feb, 2023 new eBook re-release Doctor Jack & Other Tales.]
#DoctorJack #ViolaStewartMysteries #VictorianMystery #AdelaideAuthors #gaslampMystery #JackTheRipper #indieAuthor #aussieAuthor #bookstagram #booksToBuy #ebookRelease #useCapitalsInHashtagsForAccessibility #useImageDescriptionForAccessibility #useAltText #authorLife #writersLife #rerelease
#imagedescription #doctorjack #violastewartmysteries #victorianmystery #adelaideauthors #gaslampmystery #jacktheripper #indieauthor #aussieauthor #bookstagram #bookstobuy #ebookrelease #usecapitalsinhashtagsforaccessibility #useimagedescriptionforaccessibility #usealttext #authorlife #writerslife #rerelease
@MelodyWainscott Thank you for the lovely alt text. I so often see photos that I want to boost but I have a policy of not doing so if there is no alt text.
[stolen cause no alt text]
okay wow that's me
(The alternative spelling definition too tho)
#midding #interestingwords #usealttext
@zadrozny if you've been sending replies as embedded images without Alt.Text for those who rely on screen readers or even just those trying to read it on a 5" screen via lots of zooming and scrolling then I'm not surprised 😉
#useAlternativeText #UseAltText #accessibility
(Seriously though... Twitter journalism Vs Real journalism)
#accessibility #usealttext #usealternativetext
8th Dec: Dress like a Time Traveller's Day, celebrating with a chat to 891 AM @abcadelaide radio's David Bevan on the Mornings program.
Today's Advent tea is Guayusa (South American tea, a bit like a Yerba Mate).
#ABCradio #aussieAuthor #indieAuthor #tea #caffeine #teacup #authorLife #authorsOnInstagram #thingsIDoWhenImNotWriting #timeTravellersDay #onTheRadio #steampunk #useCapitalsInHashtagsForAccessibility #useImageDescriptionForAccessibility #useAltText #Adelaide
#abcradio #aussieauthor #indieauthor #tea #caffeine #teacup #authorlife #authorsoninstagram #thingsidowhenimnotwriting #timetravellersday #ontheradio #steampunk #usecapitalsinhashtagsforaccessibility #useimagedescriptionforaccessibility #usealttext #adelaide
New game. New DM. Old friends. New characters. New party (and there's 2 bards.) Time for a Bard Off!
[#imageDescription: Karen is wearing a black tee with purple dice orbiting a large, ringed d20, and a green waistcoat. She has long purple hair with a natural grey streak at the front. She also wears the One Ring and a silver tuning fork on chains around her neck. She is excited.]
#DandD #bard #thingsidowhenimnotwriting #mentalHealthBreak #authorLife #indieAuthor #fillingTheCreativeWell #OnlineDandD #useCapitalsInHashtagsForAccessibility #useImageDescriptionForAccessibility #useAltText
#imagedescription #dandd #bard #thingsidowhenimnotwriting #mentalhealthbreak #authorlife #indieauthor #fillingthecreativewell #onlinedandd #usecapitalsinhashtagsforaccessibility #useimagedescriptionforaccessibility #usealttext
Shout out time to my amazing Patreon supporters. Especially to my top supporters: Kellie Kininmont, Mark Suter, William J Jackson, Suzie Eisfelfer and Joanne van Raaphorst
[#videoDescription: quick succession of 3 images: 1&2: TEXT: SHOUT OUT (in red & white) 3:TEXT: Shout out time to my Patreon supporters especially: Kellie Kininmont, Mark Suter, William J Jackson, and Joanne van Raaphorst. ]
#PatreonShoutOut #indieAuthor #aussieAuthor #supportAnIndieAuthor #useCapitalsInHashtagsForAccessibility #useImageDescriptionForAccessibility #useAltText #authorLife #patreon #patreonReward
#videodescription #patreonshoutout #indieauthor #aussieauthor #supportanindieauthor #usecapitalsinhashtagsforaccessibility #useimagedescriptionforaccessibility #usealttext #authorlife #patreon #patreonreward
The weather is haywire atm, though I must admit I'm liking the cooler weather. I never look forward to 0% humidity/45+°C of our scorching summers. (Ex-Qlder) Hoping we'll have a shorter fire danger season this year.
[VideoDescription: Karen is standing in her front garden. It's sunny, with clear skies. She has long hair and wears spectacles. TEXT: November usually is ramping up the heat to our scorching Summers.
Clip of rain and high velocity winds in the lavender bushes and trees. TEXT: struggling to reach 14°C.
Final text: 31°C. Video has cc.]
#Adelaide #LaNinya #aussieAuthor #AdelaideWeather #adelaideGarden #useCapitalsInHashtagsForAccessibility #useImageDescriptionForAccessibility #useClosedCaptions #useAltText
#adelaide #laninya #aussieauthor #adelaideweather #adelaidegarden #usecapitalsinhashtagsforaccessibility #useimagedescriptionforaccessibility #useclosedcaptions #usealttext
Always more to learn - at this weekend's @writerssainc Context Writers Festival - at the Villains Workshop by @CandiceFox
[#videoDescription: Karen is in the car (passenger seat) wearing a aeat belt. She has long purplehair, is wearing a purple waistcoat, and has a mask hangjng from her ear./image of library times./short video walking into library/ short video of Candice Fox talking at lecture. cc added.]
#aussieAuthor #indieAuthor #writingVillains #adelaide #adelaideAuthors #authorLife #writingFestival #writersSA #CandiceFox #useCapitalsInHashtagsForAccessibility #useImageDescriptionForAccessibility #useAltText #useClosedCaptions
#videodescription #aussieauthor #indieauthor #writingvillains #adelaide #adelaideauthors #authorlife #writingfestival #writerssa #candicefox #usecapitalsinhashtagsforaccessibility #useimagedescriptionforaccessibility #usealttext #useclosedcaptions
An Aussie cosy-ish mystery. Murder. Ill fated love. Betrayal. Happy endings not guaranteed.
(no sound)
#readertok #booktok #aussieAuthor #mysteryBooks #fantasy #indieauthor #SetInAustralia #booksToRead #bookstagram #bookFlip #cosyFantasyMysyery #AuntEnid #AuntEnidMysteries #AFeyTale #bookQupte #FaeMagoc #IllFatedLove #prequel #useCapitalsInHashtagsForAccessibility #useImageDescriptionForAccessibility #useAltText #bluCover #fantasyMystery
#readertok #booktok #aussieauthor #mysterybooks #fantasy #indieauthor #setinaustralia #bookstoread #bookstagram #bookflip #cosyfantasymysyery #auntenid #auntenidmysteries #afeytale #bookqupte #faemagoc #illfatedlove #prequel #usecapitalsinhashtagsforaccessibility #useimagedescriptionforaccessibility #usealttext #blucover #fantasymystery