@dh5fs Nice. You don't look like you are on fire, even.
And I didn't know that tuner, looks nice and not at all accidental in its size, function, model number…
In olden days tube-based transmitters effectively had antenna tuners built-in, right? I suppose LDG wouldn't like it, but seems transitor-based transmitters should get around to that, too.
#hamradio #usecamelcasesoscreenreadingsoftwareworksbetter
@w7voa @arstechnica Clippy has an odd cousin (or maybe no relation) with the same name, BUT it is actually quite helpful, to #RustLang programers.
#rustlang #usecamelcasesoscreenreadingsoftwareworksbetter
@Teri_Kanefield Jack Smith is probably keeping in mind his "safety", of Trump continuing to exercise his free speech rights.
#KeepDiggingADeeperHole #UseCamelCaseSoScreenReadingSoftwareWorksBetter
#keepdiggingadeeperhole #usecamelcasesoscreenreadingsoftwareworksbetter
@theregister They need an image, so the frightening hoodie strikes again!
I'm a long time computer person. I recently I put up the hood on a hoodie and looked in the mirror to see what I looked like. I didn't look like someone about to steal someone's identity, I just looked like the grim reaper.
#hacker #hoodie #CyberSecurity #UseCamelCaseSoScreenReadingSoftwareWorksBetter
#hacker #hoodie #cybersecurity #usecamelcasesoscreenreadingsoftwareworksbetter
@tml You left out something: #UseCamelCaseSoScreenReadingSoftwareWorksBetter
@w7voa He gives us #LeftHanded folk a bad name.
#lefthanded #usecamelcasesoscreenreadingsoftwareworksbetter
#hamradio #usecamelcasesoscreenreadingsoftwareworksbetter
@LikeItOrLumpIt As an Android user, I really like OsmAnd+, it does offline maps, download the state I'm in, maybe the one next door, too, and it doesn't matter whether I explore out of cell coverage, I can find my way back.
#OsmAnd #OsmAndPlus #UseCamelCaseSoScreenReadingSoftwareWorksBetter
#osmand #osmandplus #usecamelcasesoscreenreadingsoftwareworksbetter
@arth I would suggest understanding some theory, too. A nanovna helps.
But yes, hams are allowed to mess with antennas in a way mostly no one else is.
#HamRadio #AmateurRadio #UseCamelCaseSoScreenReadingSoftwareWorksBetter
#hamradio #amateurradio #usecamelcasesoscreenreadingsoftwareworksbetter
@zutalorz Nit picking: How does screen reading software "cu"? (From the alt-text description of the photo.) I suspect it treats it like a word and tries to say it. Probably better to observe old fashioned practices for abbreviations and write "C.U.", or just spell it out: "close up".
And, while we are on the subject, everyone remember: #UseCamelCaseSoScreenReadingSoftwareWorksBetter (which this toot did nicely).
@claudinec I haven't checked whether the new Debian installs cleanly with everything working out of the box…I hope so.
#FrameworkLaptop #UseCamelCaseSoScreenReadingSoftwareWorksBetter
#FrameworkLaptop #usecamelcasesoscreenreadingsoftwareworksbetter
#ThisIsCamelCasePictureZebraPiano Okay, yes, it works. My Mastodon client will suggest camel case hashtags—if there are any out there that match.
Everybody: Use camel case (like the example above). It is easier for everybody. It is easier to see and read the hashtag, and for those who can't see, the software that reads toots outloud works much better with camel case hashtags.
#usecamelcasesoscreenreadingsoftwareworksbetter #thisiscamelcasepicturezebrapiano
It seems wrong that the vibrate on my wife's phone, when a text comes in, is SOS.
#SOS #Apple #IPhone #MorseCode #NeverCryWolf #HamRadio #UseCamelCaseSoScreenReadingSoftwareWorksBetter
#usecamelcasesoscreenreadingsoftwareworksbetter #hamradio #nevercrywolf #morsecode #iphone #apple #sos