@wxcafe #Adobe literally choose to discontinue the One-Time - Purchase #CreativeSuite solely because they'd have to accept #UsedSoftware sales in #Germany regardless if disc-bound, online-download or whatever [1st sale doctrine] and actively tried to curb on that #ConsumerRight.
#Funfact: If you have no legitimate license to said tools, the licensee [Adobe in this case] automatically gets the copyright to said works in lieu of license payments...
#notlegaladvice #fuckeduplegalsystem #funfact #consumerright #Germany #usedsoftware #CreativeSuite #adobe
@haitchfive Not talking about #Photoshop, but #PremierePro and yes #PremiereElements already pissed me off enough to switch to #Resolve...
Also #Adobe - like #Autodesk - are systematically working on monopolizing their #Software nieches and solely discontinued #OneTimePurchase Software solely to middle-finger #UsedSoftware sales in juristictions like #Germany where it's explicitly allowed.
#Germany #usedsoftware #onetimepurchase #Software #autodesk #adobe #resolve #premiereelements #premierepro #photoshop