Global News BC: B.C. driver discovers surprising detail when paying PST on used vehicle in private sale #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news ##privatevehiclesalespst #PrivatevehiclesalePST ##canadianblackbook #CanadianBlackBook #ConsumerMatters #consumermatters ##usedvehicles #Consumer ##icbcpst #ICBCPST #ICBC #PST
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #privatevehiclesalespst #privatevehiclesalepst #canadianblackbook #ConsumerMatters #usedvehicles #Consumer #icbcpst #ICBC #pst
Global News BC: Used vehicle prices are dropping. Why you might want to hold off on your purchase #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news ##canadianblackbook ##preownedvehicles #CanadianBlackBook #Pre-ownedVehicle ##vehiclepricing #ConsumerMatters #consumermatters ##usedcarprices #Vehiclepricing ##usedvehicles #UsedVehicles #Motormouth #Consumer
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #canadianblackbook #preownedvehicles #pre #vehiclepricing #ConsumerMatters #usedcarprices #usedvehicles #motormouth #Consumer
Does anyone recommend a used car dealer in Southern Ontario? My boyfriend is looking for the impossible rn - a relatively reliable certified vehicle under $8000 to replace the one that got written off in our accident.
Looking for a place that will allow a test drive and provide Carfax. Thank you in advance for any suggestions or input!
#usedcar #certified #carfax #ontario #gta #usedcars #honda #maZda #volvo #vw #honda #hyundai #toyota #caraccident #usedvehicles #cardealerships #toronto
#usedcar #certified #carfax #ontario #gta #usedcars #honda #mazda #volvo #vw #hyundai #toyota #caraccident #usedvehicles #cardealerships #toronto
Demand shifted to #usedvehicles due to a crippling #globalshortage of #computerchips and lower production of new vehicles
#computerchips #globalshortage #usedvehicles