Computers are going backwards at a staggering rate.

Ten years ago you could share a large file with your friends and family without Goog, (sc)Amazon or other CAGEMAFIA systems involved in the process — today, this is almost impossible, without .

If you thought might work, it was not functional last we tried using it.

#i2p #onionshare #technofeudalism #smartDevices #dangerousdevices #computers #computing #generalcomputing #usei2p

Last updated 1 year ago

The one type of website missing on the network is a website.

In , the is served by a that is in the business of collecting people's data. They aggressively block people using .

Can I2P come to the rescue?

@i2p @sadiedoreen

#i2p #weather #australia #bom #techGiant #torbrowser #usei2p #bureauofmeteorology #privacy #akamai #corporateState #fascism

Last updated 1 year ago

> "According to , the seized database, now in the ’s possession, includes personal information such as email addresses, hashed passwords, and IP addresses from 3 days prior to the date the backup was made. It also includes posts, , and interactions involving users on the server. As is the nature of the , this also implicates messages and posts from *other* instances.

We had to block Kolektiva. They used .

#Kolektiva #fbi #dms #fediverse #cloudflare #honeypot #usei2p #eff

Last updated 1 year ago

Yes, we are happy to see a instance embracing , its called and it doesn't require Javascript.

* All we need are more people running servers! More information is available at

* A mayor candidate in Adelaide ran last year and they use XMPP messaging over I2P!

* Need to files,

* Need a ? Find one of I2P's translate sites.

I2P is you dreamt of.

#fediverse #i2p #epicyon #torrent #usei2p #translation #TheInternet

Last updated 1 year ago

For those thinking of forking Mastodon, please do so in a safe environment such as on the ().

- Consider removing the 'Explore' timeline (*cough* botfarm timeline)
- Consider
- Consider not showing like and boost counts until a person actively opens the toot thread.
- Consider not implementing the mentioned above.

In wartime, artists are the first to be targetted. Please and live.

#invisibleInternetProtocol #i2p #makejavascriptoptional #antifeatures #usei2p

Last updated 1 year ago

YOU'RE AN who doesn't want to die a mysterious premature death. Have you considered at work?

The Invisible Internet Protocol has great tools that don't require javascript, from tools to a mirror (http://stackoverflow.i2p) to search services like , and and more. There's little reason to leave I2P, with repos, and , to boot.

Innovate while being — avoid being targetted for your .

#inventor #i2p #translation #stackoverflow #metager #yacy #searxng #git #torrenting #video #anonymous #work #usei2p

Last updated 1 year ago

"We will protect you from , crimes and ," says CloudFlare.

Enter from stage-left, .

"Hold my beer?"

The vast majority of sites affected by the perpetrated by , were either or Amazon . It's as if using those services is a litmus-test for ''.

#cyberattacks #suspiciousActivity #SamBankmanFried #fraud #ftx #cloudflare #Cloudfront #stupid #ImprisonList #usei2p #legacyInternet #banking #investment #reverseproxy #cdn #cdns

Last updated 1 year ago

Also our testing indicates is and there is active censorship in the network, especially when may be able to identify who is using a connection.

We have tried multiple times to use and the connection cuts out about 1MB into the download everytime.

So its not just related.

This means Tor is no longer able to protect and in (elsewhere?).

Seems is a way forward.

@smallcircles @vegafjord

#tor #censorable #TrafficAnalysis #onionshare #exitNode #whistleblowers #journalists #australia #i2p #usei2p

Last updated 1 year ago

As we strongly recommend using such at all times, not just when you need to upload a photo of your itchy butt to they who may handle your defense.

Defend your everyday, and by so doing, help others do the same.

Use TorBrowser and I2P.

#onionMaximalists #internetanonymisers #lawyers #privacy #usetor #usei2p #safety #internetanonymizers #vpn #safetyfirst #protection

Last updated 2 years ago

We forget, what is your position on CloudFlare? A lot of sites are "fake Russian" and actually go through .

A good way to find or sites that allow , is to use Ctrl+Shift+E in TorBrowser. CloudFlare sites have "cf-ray" in their HTTP responses, have "amz" or "AmazonS3". The and Azure are centralised scams.

Lots of as a service on the .

#cloudflare #fakeSites #massSurviellance #amazon #AkamaiGhost #malware #legacyInternet #AmazonS3 #cdns #CorporateDictatorshipNetworks #usei2p

Last updated 2 years ago

Erm, how long has the govt website been going through ?

Sweet Jeebus.

Also features Google and CloudFlare trackers… and non-integrity-checked JavaScript. But that's just a 2 minutes appraisal. See for more info.

#nsw #amazon #ubi #fascism2p0 #Cloudfront #cdn #corporateDictatorshipNetwork #australia #webdesign #deleteTheClearnet #usei2p #usetor #newInternet #netNeutered #netneutrality

Last updated 2 years ago

> Do you think it might be ?

Is it on the ?

> Yes


#astroturf #clearnet #usei2p #usetor

Last updated 2 years ago

We all wanted the to die.

We all wanted to block and Akamai at the nation-state level.

Congrats to for achieving the impossible and starting the .

#legacyInternet #cageFam #russia #newInternetSpaceRace #sputnikMoment2p0 #deletegoogle #RTBan #onionMaximalist #usei2p #usetor

Last updated 3 years ago

Bank accounts of frozen, and co-opted by the neofascist .

People in Canada are treated as both and

…because effective .

Its as if we haven't been saying . We repeat for emphasis *Bitcoin Core* (and other and systems).

And that 80% of the exchanges are flecking .

#canadians #bitcoinExchanges #corporateState #slaves #terrorists #protest #bitcoinCoreFixesThis #fullnode #fullCustody #cloudflare #notYourKeysNotYourBitcoin #runAFullNode #usetor #usei2p #bankerCrimes #technofascism #revolutionnow

Last updated 3 years ago
And Cloudflare's emergence has nothing to do with the controlled demolition of comedy and the rise of CentralBankDigitalSlavery.

Our pet peeve is how under the guise of safety they had to make the URLs go from 16 characters to 50 characters.

Gotta futureProof for the year 34288.

#tor #HSv3 #HSv2 #humanReadable #usei2p

Last updated 3 years ago

Their is designed to excite, bold yellow and black, and everyone who works there need to show at least one tattoo.

But alas , the popular store, is and leaks your interests and purchases and details to the .


#branding #cloudflare #JBHiFi #electronics #mitm #australia #monolithInTheMiddleAttack #takingTheInternetPrivate #usei2p #usetor

Last updated 3 years ago