Yosemite Sam, the classic animated character with a severe anger management problem, was designed after the animators' boss.
The first TV couple to share a bed wasn't Mike & Carol Brady (#BradyBunch). Nor was it Herman & Lily Munster (#Munsters.)
It was "Ozzy & Harriet" a decade before in 1952. #TRIVIA
#HashtagGames #uselesstrivia #bradybunch #munsters #trivia
Let's start a new game. Respond with an interesting Little Known Fact of your own.
The father of Industrialist "Armand Hammer" was born in (what is now known as) #Ukraine. His family emigrated to the U.S. where his father became one of the founders of the U.S. Communist Party.
The "Arm & Hammer" logo was the symbol of the organization. Armand was named after the logo (not the other way around.) #TRIVIA
#HashtagGames #uselesstrivia #ukraine #trivia
@ellesaurus One thing I learned while flipping through channels one night is that rats from uptown Manhattan have developed distinctly different olfactory systems than rats from downtown Manhattan.
A tune you don’t hear much unless it’s 1968, you actually HAVE it in your music library or you catch Quentin Tarentino’s “Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.” I was actually unaware until recently there’s a connection of sorts to AC/DC; the song was co-written by Malcolm and Angus Young’s older brother, George for Los Lobos.
#musicofmastodon #uselesstrivia
The host mentioned Saturday morning cartoons of the day included "mystery solving canines" and "superheroes." Scooby-Doo moved to ABC (from its original home, CBS) a few years after "Schoolhouse Rock" started airing, and stayed on ABC for the rest of its run on broadcast network TV.
Chad Gilbert of New Found Glory used to be in Shai Hulud, a killer metalcore band.
#uselesstrivia #metalcore #poppunk
Witzig, die "Translate" Funktion entfernt ein einziges v und lässt sonst alles gleich. Macht aus iSWvvwABJeUm1sT --> iSWvwABJeUm1sT #UselessTrivia