@mintpressnews needs your support!
“MintPress News is being targeted: Join us in standing up to the war machine”
“In the last year alone, #MintPress was banned from #PayPal with our balance seized, blocking donations to our website –and as leaked emails reveal, this took place with possible involvement of British intelligence and the U.S. government.
At the same time, #GoFundMe took down our fundraisers and banned us from their platform.
Our journalists have been detained, interrogated, surveilled, canceled and lobbied against by national security agencies and special interest groups, including directly by the Israel lobby. Our #Wikipedia page has been written and managed by a mafia of pro-#NATO editors and Israeli lobby groups.
This, in addition to aggressive algorithmic blacklisting by #Google’s Project Owl and Big Tech giants, shadowbanning from the likes of #Twitter, #Facebook & #TikTok, all of whom we’ve exposed to have a deep relationship with the military-industrial complex to control your newsfeed and ensure a pro-war narrative is dominant.”
#MintPressNews #MPN #Censorship #ShadowBanning #USEmpire #USWarmongers #BritishIntelligence #Israel #ApartheidIsrael
#MintPress #paypal #gofundme #wikipedia #nato #Google #twitter #facebook #tiktok #mintpressnews #MPN #censorship #shadowbanning #usempire #uswarmongers #BritishIntelligence #israel #apartheidisrael
It’s Never About The #USPresident, It’s About The #USEmpire
#NATO #USA #bases #usEMPIRE
#USAterrorState #UkraineNaziState
#war #Ukraine #Russia #UkraineRussiaWar
#fediverse #mastodon
#kafeneio #καφενείο #καφενειο
Κινητοποίηση ενάντια στη Σύνοδο του ΝΑΤΟ στην Λιθουανία, Τετάρτη 12/7, 19:30, μετρό «Μέγαρο Μουσικής»
#nato #USA #bases #usempire #usaterrorstate #ukrainenazistate #war #ukraine #russia #UkraineRussiaWar #russiamustwin #bricsmustwin #fediverse #mastodon #kafeneio #καφενείο #καφενειο
#USEmpire of Debt Headed for Collapse
“We express serious concern at the militarisation of disputed features, the dangerous use of coastguard and maritime militia vessels, and efforts to disrupt other countries’ offshore resource exploitation activities,”
Like, you know, firing shots and ramming boats that are crab fishing around the NLL
African Americans in Hawaiʻi: A Search for Identity by Ayin M. Adams; Aaron L. Day; Indira Hale Tucker; Kathryn Waddell Takara
#Hawaii, #historyofHawaii, #Africandiaspora, #Pacifichistory, #historyofthepacific, #Africanamerikan, #Africanamerikans, #biographies, #biographicalhistory, #biographicalhistories, #colonialism, #imperialism, #usimperialism, #uscolonialism, #usempire, #antiblackness, #colorism, #Blackhistory
#hawaii #historyofhawaii #AfricanDiaspora #pacifichistory #historyofthepacific #africanamerikan #africanamerikans #biographies #biographicalhistory #biographicalhistories #colonialism #imperialism #usimperialism #uscolonialism #usempire #antiblackness #colorism #blackhistory
"The Chicano Movement here in the United States took the #Magonistas and their anti-capitalist and anti-racist ideologies as a model for organizing. The Magonistas are their grandmothers and grandfathers"
#KellyLytleHernández discusses her book "#BadMexicans: Race, Empire, and Revolution in the Borderlands"
The #MexicanRevolution and The Migrants Who Sparked It
#RicardoFloresMagón #USImperialism #USEmpire #MexicanAmericans #Mexico #LatinxHistory #books
#books #latinxhistory #mexico #mexicanamericans #usempire #usimperialism #ricardofloresmagon #mexicanrevolution #badmexicans #kellylytlehernandez #magonistas
"The Chicano Movement here in the United States took the #Magonistas and their anti-capitalist and anti-racist ideologies as a model for their organizing. The Magonistas are their grandfathers and grandmothers"
#KellyLytleHernández discusses her book "#BadMexicans: Race, Empire, and Revolution in the Borderlands"
The #MexicanRevolution and The Migrants Who Sparked It
#RicardoFloresMagón #USImperialism #USEmpire #MexicanAmericans #Mexico #LatinxHistory #books
#books #latinxhistory #mexico #mexicanamericans #usempire #usimperialism #ricardofloresmagon #mexicanrevolution #badmexicans #kellylytlehernandez #magonistas
This story (of a former border patrol officer and US military veteran who is now facing deportation because his parents falsified his birth records, unknown to him) is a good reminder of why it is important to not assume that those who are oppressing folks, know what they are doing.
#Oppression is toxic to all, maybe most of all to the oppressors.
#oppression #immigration #deportation #borderpatrol #usempire
"Russia And China Draw 'Red Lines' On Their Borders; US Draws Them On The Other Side Of The Planet."
#CaitlinJohnstone #GoingRogue #AudioStream
#Russia #China #UnitedStates #GlobalAffairs
#USHypocrisy #USWarmongers #USWarHawks
#USWarmongering #USDoubleStandards #USA
#USImperialism #USEmpire #USForkedTongue
#USWorldDominance #USThreats #USHegemony
#USEvil #USBullies #USThugs #USDirtyTricks
#usdirtytricks #usthugs #usbullies #usevil #ushegemony #usthreats #usworlddominance #usforkedtongue #usempire #usimperialism #USA #usdoublestandards #uswarmongering #uswarhawks #uswarmongers #UShypocrisy #globalaffairs #unitedstates #China #Russia #Audiostream #goingrogue #caitlinjohnstone
Well said, and I agree. Sadly, our (US) government values spending $$$ on military actions vs giving Americans Basic Needs. Shame on our gov for stoking wars, instead of negotiating peace deals.
USA situation is as follows:
✔ No #LivingWages
✔ No #MedicareForAll
✔ No #HousingForAll
✔ And endless $$$ for Wars
This is why I'm very proud to be an Independent Voter.
#USHypocrisy #USEmpire #USDoubleStandard
#USImperialism #USHegemony #USFalsehoods
#usfalsehoods #usempire #ushegemony #usimperialism #usdoublestandard #UShypocrisy #housingforall #medicareforall #livingwages
Well said, Eric.
And also what's happening in #Yemen and #Palestine, amongst other #USAtrocities.
#USHypocrisy #USAggression
#USImperialism #USEmpire
#usempire #usimperialism #usaggression #UShypocrisy #usatrocities #Palestine #Yemen
“Why Don’t You Ever Criticize RUSSIA’S Warmongering??” – Caitlin Johnstone
#CaitlinJohnstone #USEmpire #USPropaganda
#RussiaUkraineCrisis #RussiaUkraineConflict
#MSMPropaganda #MSMBrainwashing #MSM
#USWarmongers #USHypocrisy #USAggression #UnitedStatesAggression #FakeMoralAuthority
#PeaceNegotiationsNow #PeaceNegotiations
#USPuppets #AmericanPuppets #Brainwashing
#UnitedStatesBootlickers #AmericanBootlickers
#BalancedPerspectives #BalancedViewpoints
#unitedstatesbootlickers #americanbootlickers #UShypocrisy #fakemoralauthority #balancedviewpoints #balancedperspectives #brainwashing #americanpuppets #USPuppets #peacenegotiations #peacenegotiationsnow #unitedstatesaggression #usaggression #uswarmongers #msm #msmbrainwashing #MSMPropaganda #RussiaUkraineConflict #RussiaUkraineCrisis #uspropaganda #usempire #caitlinjohnstone
"Menace to Empire" - Pacific Histories of the West February Webinar Series
Author #MoonHoJung joins Professor Sean Fraga to discuss his new book, #MenaceToEmpire: Anticolonial Solidarities and the Transpacific Origins of the US Security State
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM Pacific Time
#USEmpire #USImperialism #Imperialism #Empire #AnticolonialMovements #colonialism #decolonization #books
#books #decolonization #colonialism #anticolonialmovements #empire #imperialism #usimperialism #usempire #menacetoempire #moonhojung
US opens embassy in Solomon Islands after 30-year absence to counter China
US seals crucial military deal with the Philippines close to China ‘flashpoints’ | Philippines | The Guardian
In other words, the US is trying to encircle and provoke China, and will then act all surprised and outraged if China protests or reacts.
#philippines #usempire #imperialism
#AudioStream: "The West Is Incentivizing Russia To Hit Back by Going Rogue With Caitlin Johnstone" | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
#CaitlinJohnstone #GoingRogue #Audio
#RussiaUkraineCrisis #RussiaUkraineWar
#RussiaUkraineConflict #RussiaUkraine
#USAggression #USWarMongers #USLies
#USImperialism #USMeddling #USPuppets
#USEmpire #USWorldDomination #USLies
#usworlddomination #usempire #USPuppets #USMeddling #usimperialism #uslies #uswarmongers #usaggression #RussiaUkraine #RussiaUkraineConflict #RussiaUkraineWar #RussiaUkraineCrisis #Audio #goingrogue #caitlinjohnstone #Audiostream
Audio Stream "Let's Nuke The World Over Who Governs Crimea by Going Rogue With Caitlin Johnstone" | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
#CaitlinJohnstone #GoingRogue #AudioStream
#CrimeaStandoff #CrimeaCrisis #CrimeaIssue
#NuclearWar #NuclearCrisis #NuclearApocalypse
#USEmpire #USAggression #USWarmongers
#usevilness #usimperialism #warmongerbiden #usstupidity #ussmugness #DisbandNATO #abolishNATO #militaryindustrialcomplex #bidenaggression #usrussiaproxywar #uswarmongers #usaggression #usempire #nuclearapocalypse #nuclearcrisis #nuclearwar #crimeaissue #CrimeaCrisis #crimeastandoff #Audiostream #goingrogue #caitlinjohnstone
Audio Stream: "US May Help Ukraine Launch An Offensive On Crimea by Going Rogue With Caitlin Johnstone" | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
#CaitlinJohnstone #GoingRogue #AudioStream
#Reading by #TimFoley
#USEmpire #Ukraine #CrimeaOffensive
#USAggression #AmericanAggression
#NuclearWar #NuclearDisaster #War
#War #nucleardisaster #nuclearwar #americanaggression #usaggression #crimeaoffensive #Ukraine #usempire #timfoley #Reading #Audiostream #goingrogue #caitlinjohnstone