#Pittsburgh suffers from September just like #Usenet used to. Serious etiquette violations by new college students, like honking at someone for turning left in front of you.
If the city's growth continues to accelerate, we may have our own #EternalSeptember.
#pittsburgh #usenet #eternalseptember
Tu auras besoin d’un bon serveur de news :
et d’un bon client news :
Pour Unix, le jeune flnews me semble un bon choix.
Habe mal einen Account auf einem (nichtkommerziellen) Usenet-News-Server eingerichtet.
30.000 Gruppen zur Auswahl.
In manchen geht es ganz munter zu. In de.alt.rec.digitalfotografie zum Beispiel.
Fühlt sich an wie eine Reise in längst vergangene Zeiten. ;) 💭
I realize this is incredibly esoteric and I'm looking for a demographic that's sub-0.1% here, but can anyone comment to the screen reader #accessibility of #Usenet in 2023? What does the client landscape look like, both for text and binary newsgroups? I know Thunderbird can read text, but that's about it. Interested in anecdotes from things like SABnzbd, NZBGet, etc.
War heute Nacht neugierig, ob das #Usenet noch lebt und habe - ganz nostalgisch - tin installiert. Gab einen aktuellen Beitrag in de.rec.spiele.rpg.misc - nice 😃
Des gens disent qu’#usenet est mort. D’autres commencent à répandre le bruit de la mort de #gemini . Et moi, ça m’inquiète : vu le temps que je passe à butiner sur les groupes de discussion, vu celui que je consacre à remplir ma capsule Gemini et à en découvrir d’autres, je me demande si je ne serais pas un peu nécrophile…
Comme en plus je traîne quotidiennement ici, de grâce, dites-moi que Mastodon n’est pas cadavéré lui aussi !
I'm happy there's renewed activity around Usenet, such as a new management committee and group maintenance to remove obsolete groups and create new ones.
Someone tells you they're old-school computer geek and they can't explain this image, they're probably lying. #EternalSeptember #Usenet #netlore
#eternalseptember #usenet #netlore
If you're looking for a #usenet archive, spurred on by the last couple of days flurry of rediscovery, @internetarchive has not one but two: https://archive.org/details/giganews and https://archive.org/details/usenethistorical. They'll need some fettling and the Giganews one is 7.7TB. Nice easy weekend project.
#USENET's "Big 8" board is meeting again. Is there an actual solution to the spam problem, though?
USENET, the OG social network, rises again like a text-only phoenix
I miss #USENET a lot so it's a good thing that they're coming back and hopefully down the line they might join the Fediverse even. Endless possibilities and I'm happy that it exists once again. https://www.theregister.com/2023/08/30/usenet_revival/
I miss USENET. I ran a reasonably well-connected hub from about 1985 through 2013, and had access before that back to 1981.
😲 I'm back!
"USENET, the OG social network, rises again like a text-only phoenix".
Il Big-8 board "ha riaperto i battenti". Grazie Mario!
Getting tired of using discord has led me to become really interested in older forms of #online #chat and #communication, such as #IRC and classic text-based #usenet, alongside new attempts like #matrix. Any who still use these old platforms, would you advocate for them? Is there any benefit for someone to jump in to those communities?
#online #chat #communication #irc #usenet #matrix