Infotainment-Systeme in PKW werden von ihren Nutzern abgelehnt! Ein klares Zeichen dafür, dass am User vorbeientwickelt wird und noch mehr als das, dass Autobauer eben keine Software-Entwickler sind. Aber sie probieren es ja auch erst seit zig Jahren 🙈.
#agile #agiledevelopment #usercentereddesign #softwarefail #baddesign #automotive
#agile #agiledevelopment #usercentereddesign #softwarefail #baddesign #automotive
Research from Michigan Medicine on surgeons' views of default dosing settings for discharge opioid prescriptions. Turns out that a) they generally didn't notice changes, and b) they were supportive if the changes were evidence-based. #UserCenteredDesign #usability
#usercentereddesign #usability
🔍🤖 Stanford HAI has put together an excellent explainer video designed for non-experts to understand what foundation models are and their potential impact. This video is a must-watch for anyone interested in the future of AI and its implications for HCI.
Check it out here:
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #FoundationModels #MachineLearning #HCI #UserCenteredDesign #FutureTech
#ai #artificialintelligence #foundationmodels #MachineLearning #HCI #usercentereddesign #futuretech
Initial results from Blackstone using a Twin Health app to manage #Type2DM are good, but can they show longterm maintenance of effective HbgA1c control? Also, pls tell us more about these "micro actions." #UserCenteredDesign #usability
#type2dm #usercentereddesign #usability
A few thoughts on this year's USENIX Enigma conference in Santa Clara - about the usability of privacy applications, privacy camps, and tech over-regulation.
#privacy #privacybydesign #enigma #usenix #tech #usercentereddesign #security #safetysecurity
#privacy #privacybydesign #enigma #usenix #tech #usercentereddesign #security #safetysecurity
Design is not just about aesthetics, it's about creating experiences for people. People ignore design that ignores people - a wise words by Frank Chimero 💡
#designthinking #usercentereddesign #designforpeople #FrankChimero #designphilosophy
#designthinking #usercentereddesign #designforpeople #frankchimero #designphilosophy
Some posts you read and think, HERE is how to BE—to put empathy into action, act with respect, build community. @brendamontreal wrote one of those posts. Organizing a conference for people who design for people? Want to be #inclusive and embrace #accessibility? Read on:
#inclusivedesign #a11y #userexperiencedesign #usercentereddesign #conferenceplanning #designconference #ixda
#inclusive #accessibility #inclusivedesign #a11y #userexperiencedesign #usercentereddesign #conferenceplanning #designconference #ixda
TIL about the concept and power of a "silver thread" - taking one client all the way through a journey early in development process.
Great talk about user centered design from #Truss CEO Everett Harper
#accesstojustice #a2j #usercentereddesign #lscitc23 #lscitc #Truss
"Design is not a one-size-fits-all solution,
it's about understanding the needs of your audience
and creating the right tailored experiences
#Introduction time!
I grew up in the #NorthBay & have family there, but now live in #Sacramento with my husband. I’m a #nonprofit #attorney #advocate who works on public benefits & #SocialServices #law.
Interests & practice areas: #EconomicJustice, #DisabilityRights #EnvironmentalJustice, #DEI, #GovernmentTransparency, #Equity, & #UserCenteredDesign.
I follow #CALeg, #CAwx, & #LocalNews closely as well as #USPol.
Looking forward to connecting with other #California #NorCal & #LawFedi folks!
#introduction #northbay #sacramento #nonprofit #attorney #advocate #SocialServices #law #economicjustice #DisabilityRights #environmentaljustice #dei #governmenttransparency #equity #usercentereddesign #caleg #cawx #localnews #uspol #california #norcal #lawfedi
Brilliant introduction, brilliant book!
If you are interested in #participatoryDesign #cocreation or #usercenteredDesign, I strongly recommend this book 📖 by @professorBodker, Christian Dindler, Ole S. Iversen, and Rachel C. Smith
#participatorydesign #cocreation #usercentereddesign
Persönliches Feedback ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung bei der Entwicklung von barrierearmen und ästhetisch hochwertigen Online-Angeboten.👍
Letzten Dienstag konnten wir bei einem User Test zusammen mit dem Büro Für Leichte Sprache der Lebenshilfe Heidelberg viele wertvolle Rückmeldungen und Ideen für die Seite in Leichter Sprache des Haus für Film und Medien gewinnen.
#UserCenteredDesign #UserTesting #Inklusion
#Barrierefreiheit #DigitaleTeilhabe #InternetFürAlle
#usercentereddesign #usertesting #inklusion #barrierefreiheit #digitaleteilhabe #internetfuralle
By focusing on the needs, behaviours, and expectations of your users, you can create products and services that are easy to use and enjoyable for your customers. #UXDesign #UserExperience #DesignThinking #UserCenteredDesign #BusinessSuccessbehaviours
#uxdesign #userexperience #designthinking #usercentereddesign #businesssuccessbehaviours
Another reminder that #designmatters.
And that #UserCenteredDesign matters.
And that, oh, by the way, the whole #sustainability / #climate / #regeneration thing is ultimately a #ConversationAboutDesign.
#conversationaboutdesign #regeneration #climate #sustainability #usercentereddesign #designmatters
#TwitterMigration intro continued…. I’m also a former academic in #hci #HumanComputerInteraction #humancomputerinterface #haptics. I am an honorary lecturer at #UCL #UCLIC and #UniversityofBristol and have a strong passion for how we prepare students for careers in #ux #useresearch #usercentereddesign #ucd
#ucd #usercentereddesign #useresearch #ux #UniversityofBristol #uclic #ucl #haptics #humancomputerinterface #HumanComputerInteraction #hci #twittermigration
An intro as I start on Mastodon during #TwitterMigration - I work in #useresearch, I lead teams in #ucd #usercentereddesign #usercentereddesign #uxdesign #UserCentricDesign #userexperience. I work in #digitalgovernment and care deeply about making things better for users. I’m also a #photographer and post about #photography. And a #jazz saxophonist.
#Jazz #Photography #photographer #digitalgovernment #userexperience #UserCentricDesign #uxdesign #usercentereddesign #ucd #useresearch #twittermigration