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#Italy #HCI #ai #sigchi #sigchiitaly #chitaly #acmchi #crossinghciandai #turin #unito #polito #piedmont #torino #piemonte #interactiondesign #ux #userexperience #uxresearch #UserInterface #chitaly2023
Who we, #ContentDesign, are, continued:
"Our skills and perspectives are unique in our teams, and uniquely enable us to ensure UX content is accurate, actionable, and inclusive for every person—wherever, however, and whenever they need it."
#UXDesign #UserExperience #UserExperienceDesign
#contentdesign #uxdesign #userexperience #userexperiencedesign
Poster presentations and special events to foster interaction among physical and virtual participants will take place in CHItaly 2023 #Metaverse
#italy #hci #ai #sigchi #sigchiitaly #chitaly #acmchi #crossinghciandai #turin #unito #polito #piedmont #torino #piemonte #interactiondesign #ux #userexperience #uxresearch #userinterface #chitaly2023
#metaverse #Italy #HCI #ai #sigchi #sigchiitaly #chitaly #acmchi #crossinghciandai #turin #unito #polito #piedmont #torino #piemonte #interactiondesign #ux #userexperience #uxresearch #UserInterface #chitaly2023
16 days left until the #chitaly2023
#italy #hci #ai #sigchi #sigchiitaly #chitaly #acmchi #crossinghciandai #turin #unito #polito #piedmont #torino #piemonte #interactiondesign #ux #userexperience #uxresearch #userinterface
#chitaly2023 #Italy #HCI #ai #sigchi #sigchiitaly #chitaly #acmchi #crossinghciandai #turin #unito #polito #piedmont #torino #piemonte #interactiondesign #ux #userexperience #uxresearch #UserInterface
Che cos'è un'applicazione a pagina singola ? Architettura, vantaggi e sfide
Un'applicazione a pagina singola (SPA) è un'app Web che viene presentata all'utente tramite una ...
#android #devops #HTML5 #java #javascript #jquery #JSON #MetodologiaAgile #php #seo #SinglePageApplication #SoftwareDeveloper #softwaredevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #userexperience #vuejs #XML
#android #devops #html5 #java #javascript #jquery #json #metodologiaagile #php #seo #singlepageapplication #softwaredeveloper #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #userexperience #vuejs #xml
Why Connected CX is Essential for Building a Seamless Customer Journey - The interaction between customers and businesses has increased exponentially with ... - https://readwrite.com/why-connected-cx-is-essential-for-building-a-seamless-customer-journey/ #improvecustomerexperience #improveuserexperience #customerservice #userexperience #readwrite
#readwrite #userexperience #customerservice #improveuserexperience #improvecustomerexperience
Ya tengo mi reserva para la UX Masterclass 2023 que organiza @torresburriel y su equipo (junto a UXalliance) en Zaragoza. Es el 28 de septiembre. Y gratis!
#ux #userexperience #masterclass
In unserer neuen Folge von Papperlapapp - Spaß mit Klammern reden wir über Event-Storming! 🌬️
Was ist Event-Storming? Wie funktioniert das? Wann kann das helfen?
Zusammen mit @AndreasEK erklären wir das und erzählen von unseren Erfahrungen mit dieser klasse Methode!
Habt ihr Event-Storming schonmal eingesetzt? Wie sind eure Erfahrungen? Schreibt es in die Kommentare! ✍️
#eventstorming #ux #userexperience #ddd #domaindrivendesign #papperlapapp #youtube #techfluencer
#eventstorming #ux #userexperience #ddd #DomainDrivenDesign #papperlapapp #youtube #techfluencer
To help those who have been on vacation until the last days of the month, we announce that early registration has been extended to September 7th.
#italy #hci #ai #sigchi #sigchiitaly #chitaly #acmchi #crossinghciandai #turin #unito #polito #piedmont #torino #piemonte #interactiondesign #ux #userexperience #uxresearch #userinterface #chitaly2023
#Italy #HCI #ai #sigchi #sigchiitaly #chitaly #acmchi #crossinghciandai #turin #unito #polito #piedmont #torino #piemonte #interactiondesign #ux #userexperience #uxresearch #UserInterface #chitaly2023
Leute, wir sind zurück. Mit einer neuen @papperlapapp UX Folge.
Oder - ist es wirklich eine UX Folge??
Es geht um das Thema Event Storming und darum, warum diese Methode auch ohne Domain Driven Design sinnvoll sein kann!
#eventstorming #ddd #domaindrivendesign #ux #uxdesign #userexperience
#eventstorming #ddd #DomainDrivenDesign #ux #uxdesign #userexperience
CHItaly 2023 goes to Turin!
Stay tuned!
#italy #hci #ai #sigchi #sigchiitaly #chitaly #acmchi #crossinghciandai #turin #unito #polito #piedmont #torino #piemonte #interactiondesign #ux #userexperience #uxresearch #userinterface #torino #chitaly2023
#Italy #HCI #ai #sigchi #sigchiitaly #chitaly #acmchi #crossinghciandai #turin #unito #polito #piedmont #torino #piemonte #interactiondesign #ux #userexperience #uxresearch #UserInterface #chitaly2023
📚 UX Buchclub mit Don Norman im Oktober in Düsseldorf 🎉
Don Norman gibt Einblicke in sein neuestes Buch "Design of a Better World". ✨
📅 Datum: Montag, 23. Oktober 2023
⏰ Zeit: 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr (Einlass ab 17:30 Uhr)
📍 Ort: Düsseldorf (Details folgen)
Die Plätze sind begrenzt! Daher am besten noch heute Ticket sichern:
Wir freuen uns auf einen bereichernden Abend mit der #UXcommunity!
#UX #DonNorman #Buchclub #DesignOfABetterWorld #UserExperience #Düsseldorf
#UXCommunity #ux #donnorman #Buchclub #designofabetterworld #userexperience #dusseldorf
Isn't it just delightful when you click the volume button on auto-playing videos on websites, only to find yourself redirected to the advertiser's website? Truly, a pinnacle of user-friendly design and empathy in action! 🙄 #UserExperience #Sarcasm
#chitaly2023 early registration ends August 31st
#italy #hci #ai #sigchi #sigchiitaly #chitaly #acmchi #crossinghciandai #turin #unito #polito #piedmont #torino #piemonte #interactiondesign #ux #userexperience #uxresearch #userinterface #torino
#chitaly2023 #Italy #HCI #ai #sigchi #sigchiitaly #chitaly #acmchi #crossinghciandai #turin #unito #polito #piedmont #torino #piemonte #interactiondesign #ux #userexperience #uxresearch #UserInterface
Great to have some of the Contxtual team up here in Singapore for a big week of #AugmentedReality #SpatialComputing. Couple of days of #AppleVisionPro Dev Labs, a couple of Snap events, and then attending aweasia.com, with Yin and @oliverw@mastodon.social presenting “Design Considerations for HMD AR“ https://www.aweasia.com/blog/oliver-weidlich #UserExperience
#augmentedreality #spatialcomputing #applevisionpro #userexperience
Che cos'è un'applicazione a pagina singola ? Architettura, vantaggi e sfide
Un'applicazione a pagina singola (SPA) è un'app Web che viene presentata all'utente tramite una ...
#android #devops #HTML5 #java #javascript #jquery #JSON #MetodologiaAgile #php #seo #SinglePageApplication #SoftwareDeveloper #softwaredevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #userexperience #vuejs #XML
#android #devops #html5 #java #javascript #jquery #json #metodologiaagile #php #seo #singlepageapplication #softwaredeveloper #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #userexperience #vuejs #xml
Going to Extremes to Block YouTube Ads - Many users of YouTube feel that the quality of the service has been decreasing in ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/26/going-to-extremes-to-block-youtube-ads/ #man-in-the-middle #userexperience #networkhacks #adblock #network #pfsense #youtube #google #dns
#dns #google #youtube #pfsense #network #adblock #networkhacks #userexperience #man
I am collaborating with the Ngo Digital dignity at a project against revenge porn (Am I in porn?).
I have to know more about #UX and porn, so I've found this article:
Just chatted with a friend about hiring right now. She said that there was a mid-level individual contributor UX researcher role at here company that had 700+ applicants.
Chrome experiments with a bottom address bar on iOS, aiming to enhance user comfort, echoing a design shift Apple's Safari made two years prior.
Read more: https://trendotech.com/2023/08/24/chromes-bottom-address-bar-update-a-nod-to-user-convenience/
#iosdesignshift #userexperience #chromeupdate