Am 9.5. um 18 Uhr laden wir dich zu unserem exklusiven Mitglieder-Webinar ein!
Das Thema lautet: "Effektive User Interviews durchführen" mit Anika Hellmann und Clemens Overkott.
Du willst lernen, wie du qualitative Nutzerinterviews bestmöglich vorbereitest und durchführst? Dann bist du hier genau richtig!
Melde dich jetzt an und werde ein*e Expert*in für effektive User Interviews!
#UserInterviews #QualitativeForschung #UXResearch #Produktentwicklung
#produktentwicklung #uxresearch #QualitativeForschung #userinterviews
Hi mindhive! I am looking for some people to run some interviews for positioning and messaging of our new website. Who can spare a few mins to have a chat?
PRODUCTHEAD: How to transcribe and analyse your user research recordings
This week’s #productmanagement newsletter by Jock Busuttil (@jock) features @maria_rosala @mulegirl @KaraAnn @uxdesigninst
#prodmgmt #userinterviews #transcribe #analyze
#analyze #transcribe #userinterviews #prodmgmt #productmanagement
PRODUCTHEAD: How to transcribe and analyse your user research recordings
This week’s #productmanagement newsletter by Jock Busuttil (@jock) features @maria_rosala @mulegirl @KaraAnn @uxdesigninst
#prodmgmt #userinterviews #transcribe #analyze
#analyze #transcribe #userinterviews #prodmgmt #productmanagement
The Complete Guide to User Interviews: I really like that Anna Savranska goes into a lot of details on how to analyze the data using some Miro boards (you can grab her templates for free)
via Vitaly Friedman
#UX #UserInterviews
PRODUCTHEAD: How to record your user research interviews
This week’s #productmanagement newsletter lovingly curated by Jock Busuttil (@jock) features @evamux_research and @tbfess
#prodmgmt #userinterviews #recording
#recording #userinterviews #prodmgmt #productmanagement
PRODUCTHEAD: How to record your user research interviews
This week’s #productmanagement newsletter lovingly curated by Jock Busuttil (@jock) features @evamux_research and @tbfess
#prodmgmt #userinterviews #recording
#recording #userinterviews #prodmgmt #productmanagement
PRODUCTHEAD: How to plan a user research interview
This week’s #productmanagement newsletter lovingly curated by Jock Busuttil (@jock) features @mulegirl @steveportigal @thedailyem @ania_mastalerz
#prodmgmt #userinterviews
#userinterviews #prodmgmt #productmanagement
PRODUCTHEAD: How to plan a user research interview
This week’s #productmanagement newsletter lovingly curated by Jock Busuttil (@jock) features @mulegirl @steveportigal @thedailyem @ania_mastalerz
#prodmgmt #userinterviews
#userinterviews #prodmgmt #productmanagement
Techy friends, I can't recommend Dovetail enough. Seeing all our interview insights digested quickly, easily and in one place is MAKING my DAY. Its interface is actually making me want to reach out to strangers to do more interviews. What a win!
(If you're reading this, do you want to spend halfa chatting about organisational culture problems? Because I CERTAINLY DO.)
#uxresearch #userinterviews #motivated #product #technology #productdesign #productmanagement #ProductMgmt #dovetail #insights
#uxresearch #userinterviews #motivated #product #technology #productdesign #productmanagement #productmgmt #dovetail #insights
🟨 The Expert Guide to User Interviews
by Stef Walter @WalterStephanie @stephaniewalter
#Interview #UX #UserInterviews #UXcards
#interview #ux #userinterviews #UXCards
A comparison of onsite and remote #UserInterviews - and how we combined them for a recent #UserResearch phase: #UX
#userinterviews #userresearch #ux
Looking for some good resources to learn how to run proper beta testing interviews...
any hints?
@bonfire #testing #userinterviews