I'm digging the Mastodon Modern user style. The website is zoomed to 125%. Feels roomier this way.
Recently the snippet of code that has been making it much more comfortable to read many sites has been the one below:
element {
max-width: 80ch;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
Works well especially for old documentation (docbook) websites (like this one: https://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual.html).
Before and after in the screenshots.
Rappel de l’existence de ce magnifique thème¹ Mastodon, à installer avec l’extension de navigateur Stylus²
[1]. https://userstyles.world/style/4773/mastodon-modern
[2]. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/styl-us/
#Mastodon #CSS #Theme #Stylus #UserStyle #Fediverse #Tweak #OpenSource
#opensource #tweak #fediverse #userstyle #stylus #theme #css #mastodon
看到幾則 mastodon ui 的嘟, 也來回顧一下以前自己寫的二欄式版面。
這版面是適合直式螢幕, 由來是我會把一般橫向螢幕切半, 左右各放一個視窗。
我 discord 也是把好友側邊欄收起來用直著用, 但某些操作介面會因為太窄爛掉, 也來用 #userstyle 調整好了。
(不知道要用什麼 tag, 不然就 #MastodonClient #MastodonUI)
#userstyle #mastodonclient #mastodonui
made an artfight userstyle lol. didn't change a whole lot, but everything is customizable or labelled so if you want a different font, color scheme, or don't like my layout changes you can change them.
#artfight #userstyle #userstyles #css
btw! i keep forgetting to share it here, but i made a userstyle for mastodon that let's you set your own color scheme!
it defaults to mastodon.social, so replace or add your preferred instances as necessary. :blobcat:
#mastodon #userstyle #theme #css
i don't suppose anyone has any #userstyle tricks or something to make the highlighter for #ReadwiseReader not make it difficult to read? e.g.
Published an #UserStyle (for use with #Stylus) to try to improve on various aspects of the #Element user interface!
Check it out here: https://userstyles.world/style/9442/experimental-element-improvements
Be aware that since it's experimental, it needs to be used on https://staging.element.io !
If the improvements are well-liked enough, I'll dedicate some time to figure out how to make a pull request to upstream :)
my masto userstyle isnt quite finished... theres some weird outliers that need styling. but i got a good chunk of it done x_x head hurts now tho
#userstyle #userstyles #stylus
I updated this a little to have options UI and also to be able to compress headers/attachment lists!
#CSS #userstyle #MastoDev #fedidevs
#fedidevs #mastodev #userstyle #css
I created a user style which allows truncating posts to a customizable number of lines when the post is not selected.
You can get it here: https://github.com/ColinTimBarndt/stylus_mastodon-themes
@Tiwy57 if you want, you can add this style to the instance. It's just a few lines of plain CSS.
I've made a new #UserStyle for Stylus's editor to match the sidebar color to the editor theme:
NOTE: If you're using a light theme, make sure to go into the style's options to enable the light option. #CSS
When installing the UserStyle, please make sure you're using the "Stylus" browser extension, NOT "Stylish"!
Stylus is a fork of Stylish before they added tracking and paywalls, and is completely free to use.
If you don't like the look of Stylus, I've also made a style to fix that: https://userstyles.world/style/36 :) #CSS #UserStyle
I've released #Mastodon Advanced View Plus! Which adds a bunch of customization options to Mastodon's advanced view :)
You can install it with the Stylus browser extension here:
#UserStyle: https://userstyles.world/style/7644
#Mastodon #userstyle #css #mastodev
I've updated the #MastoModern #UserStyle to v.1.4.0!
**You'll have to wait for userstyles.world and stylus to update it**,
but you can install the Style with the Stylus browser extension here:
I haven't compiled the code to plain CSS yet because I want to make sure that there weren't any issues i missed before letting server admins install it, since it is a larger update I think :blobfoxhappy:
Oh! And I made basically the same layout for #DuckDuckGo as well here: https://userstyles.world/style/1258/better-duckduckgo-layout-see-notes #UserStyle #CSS
Install w/ the Stylus browser extension!
Hehe, I've updated my #ProtonMail #UserStyle with some more tweaks and fixes!
Note: You can also change the theme color saturation!!!
You can install it with the "Stylus" browser extension here: https://userstyles.world/style/1781/proton-suite-alternative-layout #CSS
Just updated my Mastodon #userstyle to support the new update where some things changed. If you were using my widescreen style previously, it should automatically update itself.
Обновил тему.
Колонки теперь не разбегаются. Тонкие скролбары в Chrome. Тёмное оформление выпадающих меню в форме редактирования записи и в модальном окне редактора изображений.
I made a little userstyle that compacts Mastodon notifications slightly!
Works with both default and advanced web interfaces.